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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/46

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 1. 1897. 7 with said duties, five thousand dollars: Provided, That no more than Pr··vi?0· three thousand dollars shall be used for salaries. Smiles' Pnnmc-1:oAD 1NoU1RiEs: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to m§<>¤d·¤*¤ki¤s i¤<1¤i· make inquiries in regard to the system of n oad management throughout S` the United States; to make investigations in regard to the best methods of road making, and the best kind of road-making materials in the several States; for labor, traveling, and other necessary expenses, and for preparing and publishing bulletins and reports on this subject for distribution, and to enable him to assist the agricultural colleges and experiment stations in disseminating information on this subject, eight thousand dollars. LIBRARY, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULZl‘URE: Purchase of necessary Libmy books, periodicals, and papers, and for expenses incurred in completing imperfect series, and for library fixtures, shelving, library cards, and other material, seven thousand dollars. _ PUBLICATIONS, DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTURE, D1v1s1oN or PUB- ,,,};{_”*¤*°“ °‘ P¤b”°** LICATIONS: For the preparation, printing, illustration, publication, ' indexing, and distribution of documents, bulletins, and reports, sixty- tive thousand dollars; of which sum thirty-tive thousand dollars shall F , hm _ be available for the preparation and printing of farmers’ bulletins, amm °°m°' which shall be adapted to the interest of the people of the different sections of the country, an equal proportion of two-thirds of which _ shall be delivered to, or sent out under the addressed franks furnished by, Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress, as each Sen- _ ator, Representative, or Delegate shall direct; Provided, That the §{§,’},’,,'*{,’;,t;.,,,_ Secretary of Agriculture shall notify Senators and Representatives of the title and character of each such bulletin, and also of any other publication of the Department of Agriculture not sent to the folding rooms of the Senate and House, with the total number to which each Senator, Representative, and Delegate may be entitled for distribution; and on the face of the envelope inclosing said bulletins shall be printed the title of each bulletin contained therein; for the pay of artists, draftsmen, and engravers, and of proof readers and indexers when necessary; for the purchase of tools, instruments, and artists’ material; for printing proofs, charts, and maps; for drawings, engravings, photographs, paintings, lithographs, other illustrations, and electrotypes, and for traveling expenses when necessary; and for labor, paper, envelopes, gum, twine, and other necessary materials, thirty thousand dollars; in all, sixty-tive thousand dollars. ANIMAL oUARANTiNr1 sTA·rroNs: To establish and maintain quar- 8,3;;*;** •1°¤*¤¤**¤° antine station s, and to provide proper shelter for the care of neat cattle ' and domestic animals imported, at such ports as may be deemed necessary, twelve thousand dollars. _ _ I That whenever the Secretary of Agriculture shall certify to the Presi· ,~,g,°‘}2f§"g{,‘§Q‘}°§§§T dent of the United States what countries or parts of countries are free easesfrom contagious or infectious diseases of domestic animals, and that neat cattle, domestic animals, and hides can be imported from such countries without danger to the domestic animals of the United States, the President of the United States may suspend the prohibition of the importation of neat cattle, domestic animals, and hides in the manner provided by law. That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause correspondence and negotiation to be had, through the Depart- _ B hi ment of State or otherwise, with the authorities of the Kingdom of °"°“° °` Great Britain for the purpose of securing the abrogation or inoditicw dg; %°;;tQ{°*Q;*;d;j tion of the regulations now enforced by said authorities which require {mf cattle imported into Great Britain from the United States of America to be slaughtered at the port of entry, and prohibiting the same from being carried alive to other places in said Kingdom. , . md That the Secretary of Agriculture shall determine and certify to the ,,,%°,},'“,’§’?”gp""`° Secretary of the Treasury what are recognized breeds and pure-bred V I 28 P 538 animals, under the provisions of paragraph three hundred and Seventy- °`` ` three of the tariff Act of eighteen hundred and ninotyfour.