FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 364, 366, 367. 1898. 42] CHAP. 364.-An Act To provide an American registerfor the steamship Zealandia. May 27. 1898. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Steamslwipzealqums Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to cause the foreign-built $§§Z‘{_ A““"‘°"“ steamship Zealandia, owned by the Oceanic Steamship Company of San ` Francisco, California, to be registered as a vessel of ‘the United States. Approved, May 27, 1898. CHAP. 366.-An Act Extending the time for the construction of a wagon and motor May 28, 1808. bridge across the Missouri River at Saint Charles, Missouri, as provided by an Act ——;·———·— approved June third, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the time for commencing Brldn moss ua the construction of a wagon and motor bridge across the Missouri River g§§Z‘f},‘f1£,‘]'°‘ “‘ “'*· at Saint Charles, Missouri, as fixed by an Act approved June third, "Tim; for :=`¤mtruoeighteen hundred and ninety-six, be extended to one year from June Kiel zirxilsvim third, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and that the time for completing said bridge as fixed by the Act aforesaid be extended to June third, nineteen hundred. Approved, May 28, 1898. CHAP. 367.-An Act To amend sections ten and thirteen of an Act entitled "Au May 28, 1898. Act to provide for temporarily increasing the military establishment of the United ·————————··-——-— States in time of war, and for other purposes," approved April twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninetreight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section ten of an Act of Amy in time tr Congress entitled “Au Act to provide for temporarily increasing the ""ff;,,,, I, 3,2, m,,,", military establishment of the United States in time of war, and for ¤<1· other purposes,” approved April twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding at the end thereof the following to wit: And provided, That officers of the Regular Regular Amy on- Army shall be eligible for such staff appointments, and shall not be f,$§,§;,°,f}{°` ""’°“"‘ held to vacate their offices in the Regular Army by accepting the same, -mn is terminate but shall be entitled to receive only,the pay and allowances of their flftfgfy A""? °°'“‘ stall` rank: Pro-vided further, That officers of the Regular Army receiv- -·1>¤>·- ing commissions in regiments of engineers, or any other commissions in $§{’,{'{,§‘§§§{‘{';§‘,,Q“ "‘ the Volunteer Army, shall not be held to vacate their offices in the ` Regular Army by accepting the same, but shall be entitled to receive only the pay and allowances of such volunteer rank while serving as such.. Sec. 2. That section thirteen of said Act is amended so as to read as Am,,tmm1. follows: That the governor of any State or Territory may, with the consent of - bow nppeama in the President, appoint officers of the Regular Army in the grades of “"““‘°°' ·*"">'· iield officers in organizations of the Volunteer Army, and the President · may appoint officers of the Regular Army in the grade of tield officers in organizations of the Volunteer Armyraised in the District of Columbia and the Indian Territory, and in the regiments possessing special qualifications, provided for in section six of an Act of Congress approved April twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and in section ·*""·¥’P·"‘”- ‘°‘· , two of the Act of Congress approved May eleventh, eighteen hundred Y _ and ninety-eight; and officers thus appointed shall be entitled to retain j{f,'2,'i",$_{,'}'Q" R°g“1‘" their rank in the Regular Army: Provided, That not more than one officer of the Regular Army shall hold a commission in any one regi- gv2z8g- mh M_ ment of the Volunteer Army at the same time: And provided further, auzszimgzhsnr. That officers so appointed shall be entitled to receive only the pay and PW- allowances of their rank in the volunteer organization. Approved, May 28, 1898.