424 FIFTH-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 369, 370. 1898. —-¤¤¤¤‘·l- “The territory composing the counties of Ada, Boise, Blaine, Cassia, Canyon, Elmore, Lincoln, Owyhee, and Washington, including any and all Indian reservations within said territory, constitute the central ·°°“"° °” B°*°° °**F· division, the court for which must be held at Boise City. —¤<>¤¢h¤r¤· “The territory composing the counties of Bingham, Bannock, Bear Lake, Custer, Fremont, Lemhi, and Oneida, including any and all Indian reservations within such territory, constitute the southern —¢¤¤¤ =¤ P<¤==*¤¤·>- division, the court for which must be held at the town of Pocatello. New ¤<>¤¤¢i¤¤·¤¤=· “That any new county created out of any of such territory shall remain a part of the division out of which it, or the larger portion thereof, shall be created, but if a portion of a county of one division shall be attached to a county of another division, it shall become a part of the latter dIYiSiOlI.” _ _ Sec. 2. That section six of said Act approved July fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, as amended by the Act approved November third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, be amended to read as follows: $.gi¤*2*;•;f?,g“*’*- **8120. 6. That the termsof the district court for the district of the v¤1.zsfpZs,`m¤¤a- State of Idaho shall be held at the town of Moscow, beginning on the fmm,,_ second Monday of May and the fourth Monday of October in each year; -Boiee cn;. at Boise City, beginning on the second Monday of March and the second ”I`°°“"u°‘ Monday of September in each year; and at the town of Pocatello, beginning on the second Monday of April and the first Monday of October in each year; and the provision of statute now existing for the holding of said courts on any day contrary to the provisions of this ugsgyggd ;¤c¤**¤r Act is hereby repealed; and all suits, prosecutions, process, recog- ’nizances, bail bonds, and other things pending in or returnable to said court are hereby transferred to, and shall be made returnable to, and have force in, the said respective terms in this Act provided, in the same manner and wipli the same eifect as they would have had had said existing statute not een passed. T" *“"° °“°°‘·°‘°· Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect from its approval. Approved, June 1, 1898. __ _ JY¤j¢}£_°8;__ thQB.AP.l3’I0.—An Act Concerning carriers engaged in interstate commerce and C1? Cmp OYEBB. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ry` the U nited mt5lr;g::·¤Ei;·;;:¤; States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of this Act m11mm1s` t u .1 nn-ar shall apply to any common carrier or carriers and their officers, agents, °‘*’;[;fjg,fjQ;·m_ and employees, except masters of vessels and seamen, as detined in n. s.. sw; mz. p. section forty-six hundred and twelve, Revised Statutes of the Vnited °°" - States, engaged in the transportation of passengers or property wholly by railroad, or partly by railroad and partly by water, for a continuous carriage or shipment, trom one State or Territory of the United Sfatps, gr tghg lgzstgrict oftltlollmnbia, tofagylothler State or Territory o' tie ni e a es, or e istrict o o um ia or from an ’ lace in the United States to an adiacent foreign couhtry, or froinpany • place in {1heUUnit3dSStates through a foreign country to any other p are in the United States. _Qf;m;m, __ The term “railroad” as used in this Act shall include all bridges and ' ferries used or operated in connection with any railroad, and also all _ A the road in use by any corporation operating a railroad, whether owned · " *"*¤*P""“"°"·` or operated under a contract, agreement, or lease; and the term “transportation" shall include all instrumentalities of shipment or carriage. —"*·¤r·*··¤‘•*•=·-`° The term “employees” as used in this Act shall include all persons actually engaged in any capacity in train operation or train service of any description, and notwithstanding that the cars upon or in which they are employed may be held and operated by the carrier under lease £;;*j:°m,m,,S gx_ or other contract: Provided, hmrerer, That this Act shall not be held ttpmi. to apply to employees of street railroads and shall apply only to