FIFTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. » Sess. II. Cris. 394, 395. 1898. 437 Sec. 8. That the foregoing sections of this Act shall apply only to Act sppimms only wills and testaments hereafter offered for probate, and, in cases of },j’8dWm¤ h°*¤=·**¤* intestacy, to the estates of such persons as shall die after the passageof this Act: Provided, That in the supreme court of the District of {meg f u Columbia holding a term for orphans’ court business any person inter- hermrim nies,"' “ ested under any will heretofore tiled in said court may olfer the same for probate as a will of real estate, whereupon such proceedings shall be had as by this Act are authorized in regard to wills hereafter offered for probate. · _ Sec. 9. That the said justice may authorize and direct collectors cqiiettm to at in heretofore or hereafter appointed to discharge pendente lite all or any ‘“*"‘“‘“°“'°°'°· of the duties of an administrator.` - _ Sec. 10. That the record in the office of the register of wills-for the rms in its nu. District of Columbia of a duly certined copy, or transcript of the record §{',j§,',§,,‘,§_‘f,§,}f”“°“‘ of proceedings, admitting any will or codicil to probate outside of -the District of Columbia; and the record in said office of anywill or codicil heretofore admitted to probate in said District, and which shall not have been annulled or declared void according to law prior to the passage of this Act, shall be deemed and held, at law and in equity, as of the same and like force and effect as if such will or codicil had been duly proved and admitted to probate and record under and in accordance with the provisions of this. Act: Provided, That the provisions of rmpcsq. this section shall not apply to any proceedings at law or in equity `“""°“"°"· pending at the date of the passage of this Act, or commenced within _ one year after the passage of this Act, wherein or whereby the validity . of such will or eodicil is or shall be called in question. Sec. 11. That the supreme court of the District of Columbia in gen- num of pmucs. eral term is hereby authorized and empowered to make all such rules · of practice as shall be necessary for the exercise of the jurisdiction hereby conferred, and to revise and alter such rules from time to time as it may deem proper. Sec. 12. That all laws and parts of laws inconsistent herewith are nspesi. hereby repealed. . Approved, June 8, 1898. CHAP. 395.-An Act Making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in the June s, isms. appropriations for the support of the Military and Naval establishments for the j'.,,,,‘;,_‘,:,2j fiscal year eighteen hundre and ninety-exght, and for other purposes. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, _ l'*G¤;¤i:t;l_$*s·;**¤°*¤· and hereby are, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not ppm n otherwise appropriated to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the support of the Military and Naval establishments for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes, as follows: ‘ . MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. conrincucnorns OF THE ARMY. Amy. ‘ For contingent expenses of the Army, incident to the expedition to ,E¤r¤¤¤<£t.Pl¤il*P· the Philippine Islands, to be expended under the direction of the com- pm °xp° `°°` manding officer of the United States military forces at the Philippine Islands, in his discretion, for such purposes as he may deem best in the execution of his duties under the orders of the President, and for such objects as are not now appropriated for, to be available until expended, ,one hundred thousand dollars.