440 FIFTY-FIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 395, 423,446. 1898. work, including the wages of printers’ assistants, at one dollar and twenty-five cents a day each, when employed, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, twelve thousand dollars. N•¤¤ri¤l¤· For engravers’, printers’ and other materials, except distinctive paper, and for miscellaneous expenses, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, eighteen thousand dollars. “j,fL1{){6°P;;f,fi°6*°§ That the appropriations made by this Act, exceptas otherwise pro- ¤•mims1,1sss. vided, shall remain available for payment of liabilities which may be incurred to and including December thirty-iirst, eighteen hundred and ` ninety-eight. Approved, June 8, 1898. June 10.18% CHAP. 423.-An Act For revising and perfecting the classification of letters pat- ‘—v—‘w ent and printed publications in the Patent Omoo. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ‘ Patent omcs. _ States of America in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of deter- .,,}$‘2,§‘“},‘}"l,§l€,§#§“,’;',;'{j mining with more readiness and accuracy the novelty of inventions for ¤¤t¤¤¤· which applications for letters patent are or may be tiled in the United States Patent Odioe, and to prevent the issuance of letters patent of the United States for inventions which are not new, the Commissioner of Patents is hereby authorized and directed to revise and perfect the classification, by subjects-matter, of all letters patent and printed publications in the United States Patent Oihoc which constitute the iield of search in the examination as to the_ novelty of invention for which _ _ applications for patents are or may be filed. ·§,§;f"°““l °'“' Sec. 2. That for the purpose of enabling the Commissioner of Patggn. p. 612 ents to carry out the provisions of this Act the Secretary of the Interior ’ is hereby authorized to appoint from time to time, in the manner already provided for by law, such additional number of principal examiners, assistant examiners, first-class clerks. copyists, laborers, assistant mes- €;m•¤- sengers, and messenger boys as he may deem necessary: Provided, ‘ however, That the wholc number of additional employees shall not exceed three principal examiners, two iirst assistant examiners, two second assistant examiners, six third assistant examiners, five fourth assistant examiners, four iirst-class clerks, tour copyists, six laborers, six assistant messengers, and six messenger boys; that the annual expenses for this additional tbroe hall not exceed the sum of sixty-two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. . Approved, June 10, 1898. J ·¤¤·· lit l"9*‘· CHAP, 44-6.-An Act Making appropriations for the service of the Post-Ofiice ‘“‘ Ilepartment for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety- nine. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United r···sy¤l_ wvicc up- States ofldmerica in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, ‘"€H{'§';"$Bj and they are hereby, appropriated for the service of the Post—0fIice Department, in conformity with the Aot of July second, eighteen hun· ’ dred and thirty-six, as follows: P··~¤¤·=·¤¤¤r G¤¤*¤·*- OFFICE or Tru; POS’EMASTER-GENERAL. M~·r¢i*i¤·¤· For advertising, five thousand dollars. Mi—··cl1¤¤<···=¤·¤ For miscellaneous items in the office of the Postmaster-General, one thousand dollars. p,:;}:)' ,f;;";l_,Q1¥g’,j§s For printing and binding a revised edition of the po tal laws and m., N-as-a edition.': regulations. consisting of one hundred thousand copies, such edition to be prepared under the direction ot the Postmaster—General and printed at the Government Printing Office; and the Postmaster-General may