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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/50

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CHAP. 2.—An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Gov- June 4, 1897. ernment for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, "mmm and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Appropriations for States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, ”“““’Y °""1°"l’°“*’°*’· and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, namely:


PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Public buildings.

For post-office at Allegheny, Peimsylvaniaz For completion of build- A“°gh°¤¥· Pu ing under present limit, fifty-five thousand dollars. _ _ For public building at Boise City, Idaho: For continuation of build- B°‘“ C‘°Y· I"“*‘°· ing under present limit, one hundred thousand dollars. For post-office at·Boston, Massachusetts: For construction of a two- vflfgtggtgggggguuey story money vault in the subtreasury portion of the post-office build- my` ing, ten thousand dollars. r _ That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized ;“‘:¤°P*;;· C°"¤· and directed to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, such °8’ p` ' additional land as he may deem necessary, and to cause to be erected an addition or extension to the United States custom·house and post- ,mQ,*gj;>m;ma9»n¤t¢3-· office building at Bridgeport, Connecticut, for the use and accommoda- g’ ° ` tion of the Government offices, the cost of said additional land and extension or addition not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars. For post-office at Buffalo, New York: For continuation of building Buifalc, N. Y. under present limit, five hundred thousand dollars. For post-office at Brockton, Massachusetts: For completion of build- Br¤<=k¢u¤- Mming under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. For postroflice and custo1n·house at Camden. New Jersey: That the Qzggggbfi-dud for sum of five thousand dollars, or so much of the appropriation as may oooeorrrirorfro. be necessary, is hereby reappropriated and made available, out of the amounts heretofore appropriated for the erection of the building, to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, such land additional to the present site as in his judgment is necessary to accommodate properly a building of the character contemplated by the increased limit of cost authorized by the Act of Congress approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-six; V°'· 2°· P· *1*- and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to enter into _ contracts for work on said building in advance of appropriations yet to ,,g$‘,f§`§','§§§,{{§_‘§,‘},§{““°° be made under the present limit of cost. For post-office and courthouse at Charleston, South Carolina: For Cr,,,.r,,.t.,,,_s_C_ completing the approaches and grounds around the building, fourteen thousand dollars. _ For rental of quarters at Chicago, Illinois: For annual rental of tem- §Q;,j‘;§‘;;{f},;1p0,3ry pcrary quarters for the accommodation of certain Government officials, qoormoro. for the year ending March twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, including not exceeding five hundred dollars for necessary shelving and pigeon holes, nineteen thousand three hundred and forty- five dollars and twentytwo cents. For court-house and post-office at Cumberland, Maryland: For com- C““’”°"“"‘l· Mi pletion of building under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. For public building at Cheyenne, \Vyoming: For continuation of C¤¤>’°¤¤°· “7F°· building under present limit, one hundred thousand dollars. For mint building at Denver, Colorado: For continuation of building D°“"'"· °°l°‘ under present limit, two hundred thousand dollars. For public building at Helena, Montana: For continuation of build· “°‘°”°· “°°** ing under present limit, one hundred thousand dollars, and not to exceed twenty thousand dollars of this sum may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, be used to purchase, by condemnation