FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Chs. 450-452. 1898. 47 1 Act, and if the underground system now used by the company is dually t U¤¤¤rs¤¤¤¤¤ ¤y¤- rejected, it is authorized to install an underground system essentially °”" similar to that used by the_Metropolitan Railway Company. Sec. 3. That Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal Amendment this Act. Approved, June 15, 1898. CHAP. 451.y—Au Act To authorize the establishment of a life-saving station at or June 15, 1898. near Charlevoix, Michigan. ···+—·— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Riqlretentatives of the United States of America in Oonjress assembled, at the Secretary of the rif¤_S•vi¤e S·>rvi•=·~ Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized to establish a life-saving sta- at%htaTl‘t:v0Bi2:.a{fid1li.°d tion at or near Charlevoix, Michigan, in such locality as the General Superintendent of the Life-Savin g Service may recommend.` SEO. 2. That the character of the equipments and appliances of the K<1¤i1¤¤¤¤¢¤· M- slzstion, the number of men constituting its crew, and the portion of the year during which it shall be manned, shall be determined by the Gen- . eral Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service. Approved, June 15, 1898. CHAP. 452.-An Act To authorize the construction of a bridgp across the Mis- June 15, 1898. sonri River at or near Quiudaro, Kansas, by the Kansas City, Nort eastern and Gulf ········——;— Railway Company. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ‘ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Kansas City, North- m§;_§;¤¤;nf,i{,v_;,1,?g*,}dP- eastern and Gulf Railway Company, a corporation duly incorporated way_may mage in; under the laws of the State of Kansas, be, and the same is hereby, °°““B·“'°'· authorized and empowered to erect, construct, and maintain a bridge over and across the Missouri River for the passage and crossing of railroad cars and engines and such other material and things as may be used in the management, construction, or operation of a railroad, hereby giving and granting unto said railway company the power and authority, to erect, establish, construct, and maintain in connection with suc railway bridge a wagon and foot-passenger bridge, or either or both of them. Sec. 2. That said bridge shall be constructed over said river at or ¥·¤¤•**°P· within one mile of the section line dividing sections twenty-nine and thirty, in township ten south, of range twenty-ilve east, and at or near what is known as Quindaro, in Wyandotte County, Kansas. SEo. 3. That any bridge built under this Act and subject to its u1é•vf·:1N;t¤_f¤¤¢¤=• tations shall be a lawful structure and shall be recognized and known ’°° ' as a post route, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transportation overthe same of the mails, the troops, and munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile paid for the transportation over the railroads or public highwaysdeading to the said bridge, and it shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post roads of the United States. Sec. 4. That the rights, privileges, and authority granted to said _Rlsht¤ sud 0b1in; railway company by this Act hall extend to and be enjoyed by the {L},'§{‘§.,‘§ '°°°°""" ° successors, grantees, and assigns of said railway company, and the — obligations and duties by this Act made incumbent upon said railway company shall be assumed in all respects by any such grantee, assignee, or successor of said railway company. The said railway company shall Av1¤¤·¤¤¤¤*¤*>¤'*•*S°~ have the right, privilege, and authority to build, establish, erect, and maintain all necessary approaches to said bridge upon either bank of said river; and when said bridge is constructed all trains of all other railroad companies, or transportation companies, which may desire to use said bridge in the conduct of their business, and whichmay approach said bridge from either side of said river shall pay to said railway com-