FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 503, 504, 517. 1898. 495 amended by adding thereto the following proviso, to wit: Provided —¤1i¤s<>f¤¤¢·>¤¤¢¤<>¤- further, That no suit against the Government of the United States, °SZ*{,?,Q_ 3mi_,-.,i_24,,,_ . brought by any officer of the United States to recover fees for services 5°};*;¤**¤%jgalleged to have been performed for the United States, shall be allowed ’p' ` under this Act unless an account for said fees shall have been rendered and finally acted upon according to the provisions of the Act of July V·>l·28· 1*-2**6- thirty-nrst, eighteen hundred and ninety-four (chapter one hundred and seventy-four, Twenty-eighth Statutes at Large, page one hundred and sixty-two), unless the proper accounting officer of the Treasury fails to finally act thereon within six months after the account is received in said office. Sec. 2. That section two of the Act aforesaid, approved March third, ;gg¤gpqgj_g{éj,¤*ggj:gé eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, be, and the same is hereby, coms not to umm amended by adding thereto at the end thereof the following: “The whoa, Wm 65,, jurisdiction hereby conferred upon the said circuit and district courts` shall not extend to cases brought to recover fees, salary, or compensa- · tion for official services of officers of the United States or brought for such purpose by persons claiming as such officers or as assignees or legal representatives thereof? Approved, June 27, 1898. CHAP. 504.—A¤ Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish a Court of June 27, 1898. Private Land Claims and to provide for the settlement of private land claims in """’l’*" certain States and Territories," approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety- one, and the Act amendatory thereto, approved February twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section eighteen of an L¤<3¤g of Privuw Act entitled “An Act to establish a Court of Private Land Claims and E,,,., °§§}Z,,de.i i., to provide for the settlement of private land claims in certain States §;jSg*;Qj_’§e;;QQ:' °**· and Territories," approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety- v01.2e,p.sc2. ` one, as amended by the Act approved February twenty·iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, be, and the same is hereby, further amended vm. 27, p. 470. by striking out the words " within two years after the first day of °'“°“°°d‘ December, eighteen hundred and ninety-two," as they stand in said Act as amended, and inserting in lieu thereof the words “before the fourth day of March, nineteen hundred and one,” so that the nrst clause of said section shall read as follows, namely: “That all claims arising under either of the next two preceding sections of this Act shall be tiled with the survcyorgeneral of the proper State or Territory before the fourth day of March, nineteen hundred and one, and no claim not so filed shall he valid." Approved, June 27, 1898. CHAP. 517.-An Act For the protection of the people of the Indian Territory, and June 28, 1898- for other purposes. Q3', Pp_ 770, ,0,,9, » mz. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in all criminal prosecu- mmm jrmuqry- tions in the Indian Territory against officials for embezzlement, bribery, p,{,)f,Y§f’§:§’° °t t h ° and embracery the word “ ofIicer,” when the same appears in the crim- "0**i°°*-"•*°*¤°**· inal laws heretofore extended over and put in force in said Territory, shall include all officers of the several tribes or nations of Indians in said Territory. _ Sec. 2. That when in the progress of anycivil suit, either in law or m§“*§t*;,*F°$j,§;‘°¤§Q“{j equity, pending in the United States court in any district in said Terri- mmifpafty. tory, it shall appear to the court that the property of any tribe is in any way aiiected by the issues being heard, said court is hereby auth0r·. ized and required to make said tribe a party to said suit by service '