512 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 517. 1898. to the United States district court for the eastern district of Texas, at Paris, Texas, always selecting the court that lll lns judgment is nearest or most convenient to the place where the crime charged in the _ indictment is supposed to have been committed, which courts shall have U§,‘§°§}‘§§],,e§ ‘]_,§',,*Q{S°`{ jurisdiction to try the case; and in all said civil suits said courts shall have full equity powers; and whenever it shall appear to said court,_at n'§'“’?_v,fgm*’°; u'{‘§‘f‘f any stage in the hearing of any case, that the tribe is in any way ingstafm. terested in the subject-matter in controversy, it shall have power to summon in said tribe and make the same a party to the suit and proceed therein in all respects as if such tribe were an original party thereto; but in no case shall suit be instituted against the tribal _ government without its consent. _ _ df};-bg;*;;';§é'j;)1 It is further agreed that no act, ordinance, or resolution of the counuférresatim. cil of either the Choctaw or Chickasaw tribes, in any manner affecting the land of the tribe, or of the individuals, after allotment, or the moneys or other property of the tribe or citizens thereof (except appropriations for the regular and necessary expenses of the government of the respective tribes), or the rights of any persons to employ any kind of labor, or the rights of any persons who have taken or may take the oath of allegiance to the United States, shall be of any validity until approved by the President of the United States. When such acts, ‘ ordinance , or resolutions passed by the council of either of said tribes shall be approved by the governor thereof, then it shall be the duty of the national secretary of said tribe to forward them to the President of the United States, duly certified and sealed, who shall, within thirty —P¤l>“°**i°¤- days after their reception, approve or disapprove the same. Said acts, ordinances, or resolutions, when so approved, shall be published in at least two newspapers having a bona fide circulation in the tribe to be affected thereby, and when disapproved shall be returned to the tribe enacting the same. mg]¤y¤¤¤¤ of ¤g¤¤•‘*· It is further agreed, in view of the modification of legislative authority ' and judicial jurisdiction herein provided, and the necessity of the continuance of the tribal governments so modified, in order to carry out the requirements of this agreement, that the same shall continue for the period of eight years from the fourth day of March, eighteen hun- —*¤¤¤¤*— dred and ninety-eight. This stipulation is made in the belief that the tribal governments so modified will prove so satisfactory that there will be no need or desire for further change till the lands now occupied by the Five Civilized Tribes shall, in the opinion of Congress, be prepared for admission as a State to the Union. But this provision shall not be construed to be in any respect an abdication by Congress of power at any time to make needful rules and regulations respecting said tribes. ( l{;g;;grrg}g·;3g=·,~rg;g·;gj T hat all per capita payments hereafter made to the members of um i{},1,,.i,.§,.u,»_ ‘Choctaw or Chickasaw nations shall be paid directly to each individual member by a bonded officer of the United States, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, which officer shall be required to give strict account for such disbursements to said Secretary. That the following sum be, and is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the Chickasaw Nation of Indians, namely: ,_r:_l;l*;":l;.2f::_;f}5tfg: For arrears of interest, at five por centum per annum, from Decem- .n·m-·—;.¤y. ber thirty-tirst, eighteen hundred and forty, to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, on one hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and forty-three dollars and nine cents of the trust fund of the Chickasaw Nation erroneously dropped from the books of the United States prior to December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and forty, and restored December twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, by the award of the Secretary of the Interior, under.the v·»1.1¤,p.¤14. fourth article of the treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and for arrears of interest at five per centum per annum, from March eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty, to March third, eighteen hundred and ninety, on fifty-six thousand and twenty one dollars and forty-nine cents of the trust fund of the Chickasaw Nation erroneously dropped from the berks of the United States March