FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 540. 1898. 533 Hannon AND mvmz FRONT: For the improvement and protection f ¤¤r\>¤r ¤¤•1 river of the harbor and river front, the enforcement of laws and regulations, M"` construction and maintenance of wharves and buildings, and for other - necessary items and services, two thousand six hundred dollars. , BATHING BEACH: For` the care and repair of the public bathing B¤¤h*¤s l>¤¤¤l¤· beach on the Potomac River, in the District of Columbia, one thousand dollars. That any balance remaining of the appropriation *‘toward adapting the inner basin on the Potomac Flats for a public bathing pool," contained in “An Act making appropriations to provide for the V°'· 2°· P- ‘°*- expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth., eighteen hundred and ninetyseven, and for other purposes,” approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, which remains nnexpended. may be applied by the Commissioners of said District for the examination, improvement, repair, and care of the public bathing beach on the tidal reservoir. FOB PUBLIC SCALES: For repair and replacement of public scales, *’“"*{° “°‘*‘°'· . two hundred dollars: Provided, That hereafter the Commissioners of §m‘;g·d,“;m‘ the District of Columbia may change the location of any public scale in said District whenever they may deem such change in the public , interest. ‘ Fon PUBLIC PUMPS: For the purchase, replacement, and repair of ’“’°P•· public pumps, cleaning and protecting public wells, filling abandoned or condemned public wells, and drilling deep wells, ten thousand dollars, to be immediately available. BRIDGES. Bridge For ordinary care of bridges, including keepers, oil, lamps, and Gare matches, four thousand dollars. For construction and repairs of bridges, fifteen thousand dollars. F¤r»i¤·¤*¤· Toward the construction of a foundation for a bridge across Bock Rock Crwk- Crgek on the line of Connecticut avenue extended, twenty-five thousand dollars. Toward the construction of foundations for a bridge across Rock Creek on the line of Massachusetts avenue extended, twenty-five thousand dollars. WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT. - d_K¤¤i¤z¢¤¤ Aqu- For engineering, maintenance, and general repairs, twenty-one thou- M·*¤*¤¤¤¤°°· sand dollars. For repairing the conduit road, one thousand dollars. °°¤°‘"“ ’°“"· To enable the proper officer of the Government having charge of the mF*l{*>**¤¥ '·'*° "**°* Washington Aqueduct and the water supply to the city of Washington pp y` to make an investigation of the feasibility and propriety of filtering the water supply of Washington and to submit to Congress a full and """°"· detailed report thereon, and to meet all necessary expenses of said investigation, three thousand dollars. Said report shall be accompanied -°*“¤*°*° °’ °°'** by a detailed estimate of the cost of the work required, and in making the investigation and in the preparation of this report the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, shall be associated with the proper officer of the Government in the charge of the Aqueduct as consulting engineer. _ Wssnmcrox Aounnuor TUNNEL: The Secretary of War is hereby d_§j;*;‘;}',§_}{f° **‘¤“* authorized and directed to resume work on the Washington Aqueduct Completion of work Tunnel and its accessories and the Howard University Reservoir, ""$={”§§,°gj im, authorized by section two of the Act approved July fifteen th, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled *‘ An Act to increase the water supply of the city of Washington, and for other purposes,” and to prosecute and complete the same; the work on the said tunnel and accessories to be carried on in accordance with the plans of the board of experts as set forth in its report dated January seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, House Document Numbered One hundred and sixty six, Fifty-fourth Congress, first session, which plans have been approved by