FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 546. 1898. 6],5 · miscellaneous items required for the use of the janitors, tireinen,or engineers, in the proper care of the buildings, furniture, and heating apparatus, exclusive of personal services, for all public buildings, marine hospitals included, under the control of the Treasury Department, inclusive of new buildings, eight hundred and seventy thousand dollars. And the appropriation herein made for gas in any of the public buildings in the District ot Columbia, under the control of the Treasury Department, shall include the rental or use of any gas governor, gas puritier, or other device for reducing the expenses of gas, when first approved by the Secretary of the Treasury and ordered by him in writing: Provided, That no sum shall be paid for such rental or use of such Pwrécogas governor, gas puriiier,·or device greater than the one-half part of G=*¤ H°*’•>*¤¢>*·¤’¤¤· the amount of money actually saved thereby. OPEB.A1*ION or PNEUMATIG TUBES: For supplying necessary power, P¤¤¤m=¤¤c`t¤bo¤ and repairs to power plants, for operating pneumatic tubes for the transmission of mail matter, court-house and post-office buildings, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, New York City and Brooklyn, New York, and the postoflice and subtreasury building, Boston, Massachusetts, twenty thousand dollars. . BOILER AND 02m1E1a. APPURTENANCES, PNEUMATIG-TUBE SYSTEM, B¤¤¤>¤-MM- POST-OFFICE AND SUBTBEASURY BUILDING, BoS1*oN, MASSAOHU- - SETTS: For the installation of one boiler and necessary appurtenances thereto in the post-office and subtreasury building, Boston, Massachusetts, for the operation of pneumatic tubes for the transmission of mail matter, five thousand dollars. ‘ SUPPRESSING c0U‘N*1‘ERFEITmG,AND OTHER onmsmsz For expenses supmssing wuincurred under the authority or with the approval of the Secretary of "°'f°‘ ·°°°‘ the Treasury in detecting, arresting, and delivering into the custody of the United States marshal having jurisdiction, dealers and pretended · dealers in counterfeit money, and persons engaged in counterfeiting Treasury notes, bonds, national-bank notes, and other securities of the United States and of foreign governments, as well as the coins of the United States and of foreign governments, and other felonies committed against the laws of the United States relating to the pay and bounty laws, including two thousand dollars to make the necessary investigation of claims for reimbursement of expenses incident to the last sickness and burial of deceased pensioners under section forty-seven R-S-·°°°·*“°·P·°l°- hundred and eighteen of the Revised Statutes, and for no other pur- . pose whatever, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no part p,.,.,;,,,, of this amount be used in defraying the expenses of any person sub- “'****•***¤°°· pcenaed by the United States courts to attend any trial before a United States court or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, which expenses shall be paid from the appropriation for “fees of witnesses, United States courts.”
To Bllable Sgpplgmgyyf tg RB.
the Secretary of the Treasury to pay, when the work shall be com- ***‘°‘ 5********- pleted, for preparing and editing a Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States, for the Fifty-fifth Congress, under the Act of \’<»1-27.p-471 February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, one thousand dollars. Comrnnsnuon nv Lino or momcrms: For compensation in lieu of cttipetagitt it mciieties in certain cases under the customs revenue laws, ten thousand “°“ °‘ '“°‘°"°“· do lars. - EXPENSES OF LOCAL APPRLISEBW MEETINGS: For defraying the L¤_<·al appraisers necessary expenses of local appraisers at_ annual meetings for the pur- ’“"°'"‘g" pose of securing uniformity in the appraisement of dutiable goods at different ports of entry, one thousand two hundred dollars. ‘ ALASKAN SEAL Fisnnmtns; For salaries and traveling expenses of i A¤¤¤k¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¢*¤l=¤·¤· agents at seal fisheries in Alaska, as follows: For one agent, three "' thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; one assistant agent, two thou- “;*g°****' °*“°'*°*· sand nine hundred and twenty dollars; two assistant agents, at two ` thousand one hundred and ninety dollars each; necessary traveling expenses of agents actually incurred in going to and returning from