626 FIFTYFIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 546. 1898. For general care, preservation, and improvements; for painting and . care and preservation of permanent buildings; for building fences and sewers and grading grounds, ten thousand dollars. For machines suitable for manufacture of siege carriages and limbers, and for installing same in shop “G," twenty-eight thousand dollars, to be immediately available. For extending the electric-l ightin g plant, eight thousand four hundred and fifty dollars, to be immediately available. For replacing iloor stringers and plankin g of the Rock Island wagon bridge and viaduct, three thousand three hundred and seventyfive dollars. For repairs to the arsenal railway, one thousand five hundred dollars. For operating and care and preservation of Rock Island bridges and viaduct, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. ‘ For improving the water power at Rock Island Arsenal, by extending the present wing dam or by deepening the channel, as the Secretary of War may direct, forty-five thousand dollars. Fr¤¤kf¤r·1Ar¤¤¤¤1 FRANKFORD ARSENAL, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA: For the transfer of the small cartridge factory to the rolling-Inill building, including boiler house chimney, boilers, engines, annealing house, dry · house, and so forth, iitlty thousand dollars. For electric lighting of the workshops, two thousand four hundred dollars, to be immediately available. MS2, Louis wwder SAINT Loms POWDER DEPOT, SAINT Louis, Mrssoum: For repair ` Pof fifteen washouts in the slopes of magazines one, two, three, and four, I and filling the same with masonry, to prevent future injury; for the construction of new copper gutters and spouting for all the magazines; for repairing, and in some cases rebuilding, retaining walls around magazines numbered one, two, three, and tive, and placing stone copings on the same, and constructing a new retaining wall at magazine numbered four, nine thousand dollars. . S=¤¤y fiiwk pm- SANDY Hoox PRovING G11oUND, Nnw JERSEY: For building and "°ggr°"° ‘ repairing roads and walks, and for general repairs to shops, storehouses, and quarters, two thousand five hundred dollars. SI>ri¤e¤¢1d·¤¤<=¤¤1 SPRINGFIELD ARSENAL, SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS: For general care, repair of quarters, of buildings and machinery not used for manufacturing purposes, ten thousand dollars. For completing one set of offieers’ quarters, or so much thereof as may be found necessary, thI·ee thousand five hundred dollars. For introducing electric light iIIto the water shops, including purchase of dynamo, wires, lamps, and so forth, and installing, all complete, three thousand dollars, to be immediately available. For an extension to the case-hardening and tempering room at the armory, three thousand dollars, to be immediately available. For macadamizing Lincoln street, the property of the United States, forming a highway of the city of Springfield, two thousand dollars. _ TESTING MACHINE, WATERTOWN ARSENAL: For labor and material In caring for, preserving, and operating the United States testing machine at Watertown Arsenal, including such new tools and appliances as may be required, ten thousand dollars. W=Iwrww¤Ar¤¤¤¤1- WATERTOYVN ARSENAL, WATERTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS: For one ` magazine for the storage of explosives, fifteen thousand dollars. For constructing a sewer to connect the Watertown Arsenal sewer I Sygem with the Massachusetts State metropolitan sewer, nine thousand o ars. ¤=¤1·=·¤S ·>¢` =~¤¤¤=·*¤· REPAIRS or ARSENALS: For repairs and improvements at arsenals and meet such unforeseen expenditures as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, fifty thousand dollars. W¤—Mir>m¤¤-D·€- BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS IN AND ARoUND WASHINGTON. é,{f,]},f,;‘V““g‘ ""‘“ For the improvement and care of public grounds, as follows: _1¤¤>p¤··M¤¤<¤¤¤ and For improvement and maintenance of grounds north and south of °“"“‘ Executive Mansion, five thousand dollars.