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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/69

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30 . FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 2. 1897. and expenses while detailed to assist in the scientific investigation of the fur-seal fisheries, out of the appropriation heretofore made for such investigation. <>hi¤·••~=¤l¤•i·>¤- ENFORCEMENT on THE CHINESE EXCLUSION Acrr: To prevent unlawful entry of Chinese into the United States, by the appointment of suitable officers to enforce the laws in relation thereto, and for expenses of returning to China all Chinese persons found to be unlawfully in the United States,—inc1uding the cost of imprisonment and actual expense of conveyance of Chinese persons to the frontier or seaboard for deportation, and for enforcing the provisions of the Act V·>¤'*·P·25· approved May fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, entitled “A1i Act to prohibit the coming of Chinese persons into the United States," one hundred and twenty·five thousand dollars. ,"¢f°°°°¤*’*°‘·'**’°’ ENFOncE1uENT or ALIEN CONTRACT-LABOR LAWS: For the enforcement of the alien contract-labor laws and to prevent the immigration of convicts, lunatics, idiots, and persons liable to become a public charge, from foreign contiguous territory, one hundred thousand dollars. I·=md•.¤t¤- LANDS AND 0Tmm 1>1zo1>EETY OF THE UNITED STATES: For custody, care, protection, and expenses of sales of lands and other property of the United States, the examination of titles, recording of deeds, advertising, and auctioneers’ fees, four hundred dollars. Xg;·g<;¤*·, u Sections twenty-five hundred and twenty-five and twenty-tive hunum. liao?;::. °° °°` dred and twenty-six of the Revised Statutes are hereby amended to wg; l§-b•g°:m°;f§$j** read as follows: _ _ “Sec. 2525. On and after October first, eighteen hundred and mnety— seven, there shall be in the State of Vermont two collection districts, as follows: “Fir t. The district of Vermont to comprise the counties now constituting the First Congressional district of Vermont, in which district Burlington shall be the port of entry, and Saint Albans, Alburg, East Alburg, Swanton, Highgate, Franklin, West Berkshire, Windmih Point, and Richford, subports of entry. “ Second. The district of Memphremagog to comprise the counties now constituting the Second Congres ional district of Vermont, in which district Newport shall be the port of entry, and North Troy, Derbyline, Island Pond, Canaan, and Beecher Falls, subports of entry. °°“°°°°*•- “Sec. 2526. There shall be in the district of Vermont a collector, who shall reside at Burlington, and whose salary shall be two thousand dollars per annum ; and in the district of Meniphremagog a collector, who shall reside at Newport, and whose salary shall be two thousand gkutms r_ dollars per annum: And provided further, That the privileges of the ,,,,,,,,,,,.m;,_§,, "° iirst section of the Act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and V¤l· *·,r··¤· eighty, governing the immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise, without appraisement, are hereby extended to each of the several ports in the two districts provided for herein, and to the subports of Saint Albans, Richford, Island Pond, and Beecher Falls." viyyglzyag ¤> RT PUBLICATION or SUPPLEMENT TO REVISED STATUTES or THE ' UNITED STATES! To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay, when the work shall be completed, for preparing and editing a Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States, for the second session of the Fifty-fourth Congress, under the Act of February twenty- vol. 2v, v· M7- seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, one thousand dollars; and hereatter the Supplement to the Revised Statutes shall only be published at the expiration of a Congress, and in one volume, and all expenses of preparing and editing the same shall not exceed one thousand dollars. rrgumr dongmsrnr To enablelthe Attorney-General to send copies of all Acts of Con-

 ‘· g° ‘ gross to all Judges of United States courts and of the Territories, one

hundred dollars. F 1jon¤¤y<•¤¤¤2§¤‘- _ BOUNTY ON SUGAR: 0I' {3h0 pl1l'p0S0 of pa 'n the roducgrs of .,}ci‘§,ZY,`§,f’{.§{"“]““`° sugar the balance of claims due them under thegterinspof the Act v•>1.2s.p.w· approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, entitled “An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the