660 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 571. 1898. rubno swamp. _ PUBLIC BUILDINGS. New Y¤r1=,Ci¤r· For the appraiser’s warehouse at New York City, New York: For »..t££'“’*°’“ ‘""* companion or bunumg, fifty thousand a011m:;; rmmaea, rim no part mm- t M of this sum shall be expended for pneumatic tube service connected sm-r$°£`£°`U° ° outside of said building. _ _ _ Chicago,Il1. _ For temporary building for post-office, Chicago, Ilhnois: To pay ,nT°§Q§°’“3Y "“"“' amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on g'account of the appropriation “Temporary building for postofiice, Chieago, Illinois," one thousand three hundred and seventy-two dollars and thirty cents. _ cm1m¤¤,sc. For post-office and court-house at Charleston, South Carolma: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to fully complete the approaches and grounds around the court-house and post-office building at Charleston, South Carolina, in the manner provided by the specifications on which bids were originally taken, including the following items of construction: Gildin g on fence and fountain, artificial stone walks in park, stone wall coping, stone curb, and planting grass, three thousand five mm hundred dollars: Provided, Thafno part of the appropriation hereby I·**¤“***°"· made is to be used for any purpose other than completing the approaches and grounds around aid building. Inman, umn. For the old postonice and court-house, Detroit: For changes, alterations, and repairs to at the building for the use of Government offices, twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the same to be paid from the unexpended balance of appropriations for the new post-office and court-house at Detroit.' mms; Nebr. For post-office, Fremont, Nebraska: For settlement of outstanding contract liabilities on account of heating apparatus, iiiteen dollars. _;,,,;,,,,,,;;;,,;-;,, For post-oihcc and custom—hou e, Jacksonville, Florida: For payment for additional labor and material furnished under contract for interior finish, not included therein, nine hundred and sixty-two dollars. n1ns1S1a¤u,N.Y. For improving Ellis Island, New York Harbor, for immigration purposes: For payment of outstanding contract liabilities on account of taking up and relaying cable, two hundred and thirty-five dollars. rumaopm., ra For post-office and court-house, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For pay- ment of water rent in building purchased by the United States for use in connection with the enlargement of site for the post-office and courthouse building during the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, fifteen dollars and fifty-three cents. rmmem, 1:.1. For custom-house and post-office, Providence, Rhode Island: For payment of outstanding contract liabilities on account of opening and ` repairing sate, seventy-five dollars. S,,,.,,,m,,,,P,_ For post-office, Scranton, Pennsylvania: For the payment of gas bills for the years eighteen hundred and ninety-three and eighteen hundred and ninetyfour, during the construction of the building. forty-one dollars and thirty-nve cents. v,,,,,,,,,.;_ Hgvg¤_ For marine hospital, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts: For liquida- 3]·j•¤-- ·¤=¤¤¤ *··>¤r•*· tion of contract liabilities on account of construction of sewer, one hundred and seventy-two dollars. sure, Amen, For Government wharf, Sitka, Alaska: For repairs of wharf in the "*°’*- yefawr eighteen hunélred and uinety-six, five hundred and two dollars. namre nospam or repairs an preservation of marine hos itals and uaran 'n 2?,‘}..E1$,§,‘*$§}"° '“' Stations, five thousand dollars, P q tl 8 mruuepeuuttz rms. INDEPENDENT TREASURY. gm,,,i,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,_ To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Examinations of subtreasuries and d0pOS1t0I‘18S,” for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven sixty-eight dollars and sixty-three cents. ’ ctnuugentaxpenm. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Trea ury on account of the appropriation “Contiugent expenses, independent greasury,” for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, twenty- ve cen s.