FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 571. 1898. 667 eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, said collision being without fault on the part of said company or any of its employees; the said amount to be paid from any funds appropriated for the prevention of obstructive and injurious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New York City. Anmr Gun Facroar, Wurrnnvnrnr Ansnnu., Naw Yomc: To Pwd M¤¤1¤i¤¤ rm reimburse the Pond Machine Tool Company for extra work on ten C°'“”“""p“Y"‘°“‘“°· chuck rings_ for back rests for gun lathes, two thousand one hundred and ninety dollars. ,AR'l‘IFI(IIAL mums: To pay amounts found due by the accounting Artifcmlimbs. officers of the Treasury_ on account of the appropriation “Artiiicial limbs," for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, ninety-eight · dollars and seventy-eight cents. ‘ Hnlmsrorms Fon GRAVES OF soLDmBs: To pay amounts found d.H¤$d¤*·>¤¤¤ for ¤¤1— due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appro· m" gm"' priation ‘* Headstones for graves of soldiers," for the nscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, one dollar and thirty-two cents. Tanenr amen, Jnrrnnson Bannacxs, Mrssonm: That the appro- f T¤rz<gar¤¤i•; M- priation of eighteen thousand dollars made for the purchase of land for m°° "°° ’ M°' a target range for the use of troops stationed at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, is hereby continued and made available for expenditure during the liscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine: Provided, That any €¢¤¤¢#¤- land purchased thereunder shall be unencumbered by any private or mm" public ways or roads. Punrroarron or Ormonu. Rnconns or run Wn on run Bnnm.- begleggm ¤f the re L10N: For continuing the publication of the Official Records of the ' Rebellion, and to complete the publication of volume fifty-three of series one and volume three of series two before June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, fifteen thousand dollars. Rnsnavorns yr mun wnnns or run Hrssrssirrr Brvnn: All g,¢i¤i¤·jpg¤mv;». unexpended balances of money heretofore appropriated for the con- WJSSTT “° °"° struction of reservoirs at the head waters of the Mississippi River are hereby made available and may be expended for the necessary renewal and repair of the reservoir dams heretofore constructed at the head waters of the Mississippi River. YELLOWSTONE N ATIONAL PARK: To pay amounts found due by the ,_,Qf,;}Q;‘a‘;{”°“° Nr accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation ` “ Improvement of Yellowstone National Parki for the liscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, ninety-three dollars and seventy-five cents. For payment of the heirs of Margaret Kennedy, widow and sole mx_:`;?;: §_;g;>·¤Y· executrix of John Kennedy, deceased, the sum of one thousand six hun- ’ ` dred and twenty-one dollars and fifty-six cents, said amount to bein full compensation for all claim or demand of said Margaret Kennedy as the executrix of John Kennedy, deceased, or of the claim or demand of the heirs or representatives of said J ohn Kennedy by reason of timber, fences, fruit trees, and other property taken and used by the Army of the United States during the late war of the rebellion from the farm of said John Kennedy, in the District of Columbia, being the farm on which Fort Sedgwick was erected. Narroiur. norm ron nisiusnnn vommrnnn sonnmas. H§,gQ}¤*¤¤¥ S¤*·**¤¤‘ . Central Branch at Dayton, Ohio: To reimbur e the treasurer of the ””*`*°“·°"*°- Central Branch for moneys advanced from his personal funds for liabilities incurred for pay of officers, noncommissioned officers, and so forth, advertising, legal advice, and so forth, iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, two hundred and ten dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For transportation, namely: For transportation of members of the Home, Hscal year eighteen hundred and ninetyseven, five hundred dollars.