($82 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 571. 1898. ·é¤1;3_Séd¤¤_5;·;`¤t· _ That the proper amounting otizlcers of the Government, in the settle. m`;.` liiasnurtmgis ment of the accounts of John S. Hammer, United States marshal for yuijcgggi "“'”"”‘“¤ the southern district of the Indian Territory, are authorized and ' directed to credit him with the amounts of his disbursements under the several judiciary appropriations between October iirst and l)ecember seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven,_without turmshmg the ordinary and proper vouchers showing such disbursements, upon proof satisfactory to the Attorney-General of the United States that said disbursements were lawfully and in good iaith made, and that said vouchers were destroyed by tire when the building used for United States court purposes at Ardmore, Indian Territory, was destroyed by fire, on or about the sixteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and Promo- ninety-seven: Provided further, That said accounting officers, in the ,,k(§{{"g“°°“ M' F"` settlement of the accounts of Creighton M. Foraker, United States b Crrdiflswljvlgthjliili marshal for the district of New Mexico, are an thorized and directed to fdlnlldlilng vouchers. credit him with certain disbursements, amounting to about the sum of nine hundred and fifty-seven dollars and ninety cents, under the appropriation for fees of witnesses, United States courts, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and certain disbursements amounting to about the sum of three thousand six hundred and seventy nine dollars and forty , cents, under the appropriation for fees of jurors, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, without furnishing the proper vouchers showing such disbursements, on proof satisfactory to the Attoruey·General ot the United States that said disbursements were lawfully and in good faith made by him as United States marshal, and that he took proper vouchers for such disbursements, and that said vouchers were, without fault on his part, stolen from him on or about the tenth day of January, eighteen hundred and n-inety-eight. John E-FF;=l•{s» Jg That the salaries of John E. Foley, Jerome C. Foley, and C. P. Tay- ‘o{"i$ -3,-1...: °’"' lor, late office deputy marshals of the district of Indiana, for the period 9**0*;*:f ;;"*“‘· from June fifteenth to September twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and m°°°° Wninety-seven, inclusive, or so much thereof as remains unpaid, shall be paid; and the expenses of said deputy marshals for said period, actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of their official duties, shall be allowed, the same as if said deputy marshals had been recommissioned and had taken the oath of office required by law after the expiration of the term of office of the marshal who appointed them and the qualification of his successor. nm; r,. mtime. That the salaries of Berry L. Priddic, Wilton Randolph, and Edward Eff§§Q,*§f‘;‘{YQ£L’§,’f}‘§l S. Aleshire, junior, late office deputy marshal of the district of \\’est A11¤w•¤¢¤ 0* ·¤l- Virginia, for the period trom July first, eighteen hundred and ninety- °"°‘° ""` °x°°°°°°` seven, to June third, eighteen hundred and ninetyeight, inclusive, or so much thereof as remains unpaid, shall be paid; and the expenses of said deputy marshals for said period, actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of their official duties, shall be allowed the same as if said deputy marshals had been recommissioned and had taken the oath of office required by law after the expiration of the term of office of the marshal who appointed them and the qualification of his successor. w. r. manning. To pay to W'. T. Manning, late United States deputy marshal, Juneau, '“*`“"’“°°°‘ Alaska, amount of fifteen days’ salary in August, eighteen hundred and ninetyseven, thirty dollars and fifty-seven cents.
H. F··;¤;;¤¤- To pay J. B, Fortune for tees earned as clerk of the United States
°y"'°°` district court of the eastern district of North Carolina from the seventeenth day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, to the thirty- first day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, such service being rendered under a mistaken view of the law applying to such service, such sum as may be found to be equitably due under the law authorizing fees and compensation to the clerks of the United States district courts, and the accounting officers of the Treasury are directed to audit the said account accordingly. '§el¤l¤rk··¤j-i_i;¥{{- __t_ That an additional clerk of the district court and an additional clerk .;,,,},'..§""§’{l.i_ m.-un of the circuit court for the western district of Arkansas shall be ap- °··¤¤·¤¤[**°""·’· pointed to be clerks of said courts at Texarkana; that the acts and