FIFTY-FIFTH 'CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 571. 1898. TQ'] For expenses of Revenue—Cutter Service, eighty-eight dollars and SR*>Y¤¤¤<>-Cuttvf sixteen cents. °"‘°°‘ For Life-Saving Service, two hundred and forty-nine dollars and fifty L“°‘s‘“’*”€ S°"*°°· cents. For salaries, keepers of light-houses, thirty-eight dollars and eighty —k¤¤1>¤r¤’ ¤¤1¤ri¤¤· cents. _ . For Staten Island Light-House Depot, twenty-two dollars and fifty ;D,,§‘°° I¤l=*¤d·N°" cents: . ' For salaries and expenses of collectors of internal revenue, five dol- _§,§‘,§,°gQ} ““`°““°· lars and fifteen cents. For salaries and expenses of agents and subordinate officers of internal revenue, one dollar and seventy-seven cents. For paper for internal-revenue stamps, twenty dollars and forty cents. "°°“'“P I’“P"'· _ For drawback on stills exported, Act March nrst, eighteen hundred ‘d’“""’°°k °“ “"““· and seven ty-nine, twenty dollars. For refunding taxes illegally collected, thirty-four dollars and ninety- ·’°*`“'*'““¤ °*¤°¤· two cents. For party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, two dollars and “““ G°°““° thirty cents. For wages and contingent expenses, assay office at Boise, seventy-one A°¤°Y °m°°· 3*****- cents. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE WAR ,hf,”§Qg,,§§°};Qd,*,j{ DEPARTMENT, War Department. For prevention of deposits, harbor of New York, thirteen cents. ,,,§°" Y°'k H“"’°’· For bridge across Eastern Branch of Potomac River, two dollars and B£;fj,g¤· E¤¤t¤r¤ two cents. ` For pay, and so forth, of the Army, two thousand eight hundred and l—‘}j;}*5’· seventy-nine dollars and eighty-four cents. _ ` For mileage to officers traveling without troops, five dollars and eight *“""°°‘¤°· cents. For pay of two and three year volunteers, one thousand one hundred ·°"°*’° °*` 1)*5*- and fifty-two dollars and six cents. _ For bounties to volunteers, their widows, and legal heirs, one thousand —"°““"°“· five hundred and fifty-three dollars and thirteen cents. For bounty under Act of July twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, two hundred and fifty dollars. . Y For regular supplies, Quartermastefs Department, eighteen dollars ,,,3{‘,f§§f,‘§“"‘“‘°' “D"’ and ten cents. · 4 ‘ For incidental expenses, Quartermasteis Department, one thousand three hundred and eighty-three dollars and ninety cents. _ _ For transportation of the Army and its supplies, two hundred and _},§;f;}’°r‘°°*°°· seventy-eight dollars and thirteen cents_. _ IS _ For Signal Service: Transportation, sixty-seven cents. _$'g““ °"T‘°°‘ For improving Colorado River at Yuma, Arizona, one dollar and two °"*°’“‘*° R“°'· cents. ` For horses and other property lost in the military service, one hun- L°¤°P*°P¤¤*5’- dred and forty-six dollars and seventy-three cents. _ _ _ _ For traveling expenses of California and Nevada volunteers, two hun- u,f,‘;§f;'“‘“· °"’·* "°*‘ dred and seventy-eight dollars and fifty-six cents. For pay, transportation, services, and supplies of Oregon and Wash- ,_,§{,‘Tg°“* °°°" "°l‘"" ington volunteers in eighteen hundred and fiftyhve and eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one hundred and thirty-four dollars and nine cents. — CLAIMS Annownn BY run AUDITOR Fon THE NAVY ,,,2‘§i'}§.,?,E°;‘;",‘;{ . DEPARTMENT. E Navy 1>¤p¤¤¤¤•¤¤¢· For pay of the Navy, four thousand five hundred and sixty-seven N"F~P“Y· dollars and ninety-two cents. . For pay, miscellaneous, two hundred and. twenty-eight dollars and seventy-one cents. _