FIFTYFIFTH ooseanss. snss. 11. on. 572-574. 1898. 715 , Sec. 2. That the President may nominate and, by and with the advice oumsmasms of and consent of the Senate, may appoint two quartermasters of volun- "°“""°°"- teers with the rank of colonel, two quartermasters of volunteers with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, three quartermasters of volunteers with the rank of major, and twenty assistant quartermasters of volunteers with the rank of captain, and the Secretary of War may assign 0m,,,,,, cmgé of an officer of the Quarte:master’s Department in charge of each prin- ¤¤1>·>tS· cipal depot of the Quartermaster’s Department, not exceeding twelve, to be selected from the regular and volunteer officers of the Quartermaster’s Department; and such officers while so acting shall have gmk the rank next above that held by them and not above colonel, and the ` four principal assistants of the Quartermaster-General while so acting shall have the rank of colonel. The Secretary of War may assign A,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, to s,,,,, such of the said volunteer quartermasters as may be deemed necessary cm work- M- to duty in the ohice of the Quartermaster-General, at the various supply P°”’ p' m' depots or on other important and special work, and may continue such assignments for a period not exceeding one year after the close of the war, then to be discharged. . Approved, July 7, 1898. CHAP. 573.-An Act To increase the elliciency of the Subsistence Department of July 7, 1898. the Army., —··‘—·—·· Be it enacted In; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That during the existence oi Army. the present war, and for not exceeding one year thereafter, every com- ,,f,§}‘f°‘““°“°° D°P“"'" missary of subsistence, of whatever rank, who shall be assigned to the 1i¤¤kf¤f vpmmisduty of purchasing and shipping subsistence supplies at important “"°“ ° “"°'““"°°‘ depots, shall have the rank next above that held by him and not above colonel, but the number so assigned shall only be such as may be found necessary, not exceeding twelve; also, that the two commissaries of ’ subsistence who may be detailed as assistants to the Commissary-Gem eral of Subsistence, shall have the rank of colonel, provided that when any such officer is relieved from said duty, his temporary rank, pay and emoluments, shall cease, and he shall return to his lineal rank in the Department. Sec. 2. That there is hereby authorized to be added to the subsistence rempmry semianndepartment in the volunteer service during the present war, and not to al °*“¤*>*¤· exceed one year thereafter, eight majors, and twelve captains for the discharge of such subsistence duties as maybe assigned to them by the Secretary of War, to be nominated, aud, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to be appointed by the President. Approved, July 7, 1898. " cnn. 574.-An Act To amend an Act enmieu ‘fAn Act to amend an Act totgrant MF ’·18*’~‘*· to the Gainesville, McAlester and Saint Louis Railway Company a right o way . through the Indian Territory." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, That Section four of the Act G§Qjf,§§,,{§ ,',{f.*_§,c‘Qf entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to grant to the wr and S¤·L·>¤i¤ Reil- Gainesville, McAlester and Saint Louis Railway Company a right of ¥§,?,i{,}Q`}’Y“h 1”d‘“° way through the Indian Territory,"’ approved March iourth, eighteen ed"¤1·2°·1*·**·¤m*¤d· hundred and ninety-six, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as ` tbllows: , Msnc. 4. That the Gainesville, MoA1ester and Saint Louis Railway g.€°'$$,°“§'§§,'}EvY.`i b3} Company shall have the right to begin the construction of its line of egg ·giy;<;¤¢gg¤Sf;;·g road as soon as a map of definite location of the route of said road from nZ,e.1e.m-,m. Red River through the Indian Territory to or near South McAlester is