FIFTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 647. 1898. 731 on the muster rolls of the Volunteer Army of the United States: And provided further, That, such claims shall be settled upon proper vouch- voucnm. ers to be tiled and passed upon by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury: And provided further, That, in cases where the moneyto pay imma me at be said costs, charges, and expenses has been, or may hereaiter, be borrowed ‘°'“”**°‘*· by the governors or their respective States or Territories, and interest is paid, or may hereafter be paid, on the same, by the governors or their States or Territories, from the time it was or may be so borrowed to the time of its refuudment by the United States, or thereafter, such interest shall not be refunded by the United States; nor shall any interest be paid the governors or their States or Territories on the amounts paid out by them, nor any other amount refunded or paid than is in this Act expressly mentioned. Approved, July 8, 1898.