742 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. RES. 33, 34. 1898. M¤>‘W»1898· [No. 33.] Joint Resolution Tendering the thanks of Congress to Commodore 'T;" Gegrgehimwey, United States Navy, and to the officers and men of the squadron lll] 0I` ISCOH1H13D . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States C¤mm¤dqre_Gwrg¤ of America in Congress assembled, That, in pursuance of the recommen- B‘§Kf;lgE;,?'(§],gg,,sS_ dation of the President, made in accordance with the provisions of sec- ¤g;·§j>·Mc 1508 P 260 gon fifteen lgingreld axnd eight of thfe Reviied Staputep, thettlgnnks ot ``' ongress an 0 the merican peop e are ere y en ere o ommodore George Dewey, United States Navy, Commander-in-Chief of the United States naval force on the Asiatic Station, for highly distinguished conduct in conllict with the enemy, as displayed by him in the destruction of the Spanish ileet and batteries in the harbor of Manila, Philippine Islands, May first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. -m_pmcm und men Sec. 2. That the thanks of Congress and the American people are °f b‘“"°""““"d‘ hereby extended through Commodore Dewey to the officers and men ulpder his command for the gallantry and skill exhibited by them on t at occasion. —¤¤tiH<=¤¤<>¤- Sec. 3. Be lt further resolved, That the President of the United · States be requested to cause this resolution to be communicated to CommodoredDewey, and, through him, to the officers and men under 1S comman . Approved, May 10, 1898. • llay 12,1s0s. [N0. 34.] Joint Resolution Providing for the adjustment of certain claims of the tr 1- United States against the State of Tennessee, and certain claims of the State of Tennessee against the United States. _A·L1:;»:m·i¤p or ge- Whereas it is claimed that the State of Tennessee is indebted to the §L$.’§§§ mg “€,§‘,,,,‘fj United States for railroad equipments and materials purchased for the ¤¢g*;;;meT¤¤¤¤¤w¤- lglegnphitsl, %arksv1;lleétud Lopizville Railiipad Company and the Edgee an en uc y 31 roac ompany r the receivers of said railroad companies; and also for certain coupdn bonds issued by said State and origintally purijchasedétnd held by the United States in trust for certain n ian tri es· an Whereas the State of Tennessee claims against the United States certain abatements and reductions of said indebtedness by reason of excessive valuations of said equipments and materials; and also certain set·otls and counterclaims, growling out of the use by the United States Government for military and other purposes, and the deterioration of the property by the use of certain of the Tennessee railroads upon which the said State had an express and prior statutory lien ; and for the removal and appropriation of the property, rails, bridges, and so forth, of the following roads, namely: The Memphis. Clarksville and Louisville Railroad Company, the McMinnville and Manchester Railroad Company, the lVinchester and Alabama Railroad Company the Knoxville and Kentucky Railroad Company, and the Edgeiield,and Kentucky Railroad Company; and VVhereas said matters are of long standing and it is desirable that the same should be adjusted and settled: Therefore, _ ·Resolre¢I by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States [_,f}m{Q' ¤<· ~¤~•>¤·¤¤¤¤· qt America in Congress assembled, That the Attorney-General, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of War be, and they are hereby, authorized and required to proceed, by conference with such agents, counsel, or commissioners as may be appointed by said State for that purpose, to compromise. adjust, and settle with the State of Tennessee, through such duly appointed agents, all said matters upon _ such terms as to amount,. allowance of interest, and so forth, as shall {lj];m·_·;>,¤;,;{¤¤ie$;>3 do equal and impartial Justice to both parties; and if the result of sums. such settlement shall disclose a balance due to the United States from the State of Tennessee, they shall report such agreement, compromise,or settlement to the governor of lennessee. to be submitted by him to the