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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/83

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44 FIFTYFIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. . G¤¤y¤¤¤s· GETTYSBUBG NATIONAL PARK: For continuing the work of estab- Ex°°"°°` lishing the National Park at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; for the acquisition of lands, surveys and maps; constructing, improving, and maintaining avenues, roads, and bridges thereon; making fences and gates, marking the lines of battle with tablets and guns, each tablet bearing a brief legend giving historic facts and compiled without censure and without praise; preserving the features of the battlefield and ‘ the monuments thereon; providing for a suitable office for the commissioners in Gettysburg; compensation of three civilian commissioners clerical and other services; expenses, and labor; the purchase and preparation of tablets and gun carriages and placing them in position, and all other expenses incidental to the foregoing, fifty thousand dol- I··•••·· lars. And the Secretary of War may lease the lands of the park at ‘ “ his discretion either to former owners or other persons for agricultural purposes, the proceeds to be applied by the Secretary of War, through the proper disbursing omeer, to the maintenance of the park. ...$F”‘°°' °°""" mnommir. nnrnrnum. mkivef ml, mmf Toward the construction of works on harbors and rivers under con- "`" tracts or otherwise and within the limits authorized by law, namely: r1.n¤mphl¤.n For completing improvement of harbor at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Completing improvement, removal of Smiths Island and Windmill Island, Pennsylvania, and Petty Island, New Jersey, and adjacent shoals, six hundred and ninety-four thousand dollars. G·1*·==*¤¤· T¤- For improving harbor at Galveston, Texas: Completing improvement, including repairs to jetties, and dredging, five hundred thousand dollars, of which amount ten thousand dollars may be expended for making a resurvey and chart for Galveston Bay and Harbor. H¤¤¤°¤m'°*·N·Y- For improving Hudson River, New York: Continuing improvement, four hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. °'••* I·•*°’· For completing improvement of channel connecting the waters of the Great Lakes between Chicago. Duluth, and Buffalo, including necessary observations and investigations in connection with the preservation of such channel depth, one million and ninety thousand dollars. P¤i¤t·T¤•1i¤=-F-I- For harbor of refuge at Point Judith, Rhode Island: Completing improvement, three hundred thousand dollars. numuoiatcsi. For improving harbor and bay at Humboldt, California: Continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. G~>w¤¤¤¤ Bw- N- Y- Improving channel in Gowanus Bay, New York: For improving Bay Ridge Channel, the triangular area between Bay Ridge and Red Hook channels, and Red Hook and Buttermilk channels in the harbor of New York, New York: Continuing improvement, three hundred and nfty thousand dollars. S¤v¤¤¤¤h·G¤· Improving harbor at Savannah, Georgia: For continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Gvgpgwd S¤¤¤·\· Improving Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida: For continuing " improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Newtown Creek. Improving Newtown Creek,New York: For completingimprovement, N‘Y‘ one hundred and eightythree thousand dollars. P¤r¤•¤·¤- Me Improving harbor at Portland, Maine: For continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Rockland. Me Improving harbor at Rockland, Maine: For continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

  • ’°”‘°¤· M“·'*- Improving harbor at Boston, Massachusetts: For continuing improve-

_ment, four hundred thousand dollars. B“'“l°· :" Y" Improving harbor at Bufialo, New York: For continuing improve tmept, four hundred and eighty-one thousand two hundred and fifty ol ars. D¤¤k**k· N- Y- Improving harbor at Dunkirk, New York: For completing improvement, three hundred and ninety-eight thousand two hundred and fifty- eight dollars.