FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 48,56. 1899. 803 be established, said Commissioners shall make application in writing to the United States marshal for the District of Columbia to summon Qjury. and empanel a jury of twelve citizens, who have no interest in the real estate mentioned in the petition (and it is hereby made his duty to summon and empanel the same in all such cases upon application in writing of said Commissioners), who, after first taking and subscribing an oath in writing to discharge the duties imposed upon them by the provisions of this Act justly and impartially, shall proceed to ascertain and appraise the damages which may accrue to the real estate of any person or persons by the establishment of said building lines, which shall be the value of .the land at the time of the taking, and the said jury shall make and return their verdict in triplicate, one original to be —V•>¤¤i¤*· filed in the officeof the said Commissioners, onein theofficeof therecorder of deeds of said District, and one in the office of the surveyor of the ‘· said District. And the damages awarded by said jury shall be payable ·°*¤•¢°~•· out of any funds available for opening, widening, and extending alleys, under the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, Vol. 27, p. css. entitled “An Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hnndred and ninety-three, and for prior years, and for other purposes? Sec. 3. That the said jury shall apportion an amount equal to the Avpcrtionmeqt of amount of said damages, ascertained and appraised as aforesaid, {’,',§}f§§§‘:,,,“f,E{’$’,,".‘{}“" °" including the fees of the marshal for his services and sixty dollars for the services of said jury, according as each lot or parcel of land in any square may be benefited by the establishment of building lines, and they shall make return of such apportionment to said Commissioners, in which they shall designate each lot or part of lot of land so · benefited and the amount so apportioned to each, respectively; and in -f=¤¤¤; to vm ••· case of failure to pay the amount so apportioned, it shall be the duty °°°°°`°° ` of the collector of taxes to levy a tax upon each lot or part of lot of land in accordance with such apportionment, and to collect the same as other taxes on real estate are collected; and said assessments shall bear interest at the rate of ten per centum per annum until paid. Sec. 4. That the said marshal shall give or cause to be given notice Nvgice ¢q1=¤¤·}¤w¤· of the time and place of meeting of said jurors, for the purposes afore· °"’° '“°°"" ° j""" said, to each proprietor of land in the square where the building line A is proposed to be established, as provided in section six of the Act of V<>1-‘¢7·1·-256- Congress approved July twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety- two, entitled **An Act to provide for the opening of alleys in the District of C0lumbia." _ Sec. 5. That the said Commissioners, whenever they deem it desir- “_l‘:gf**;gm_*;:*:t·]£ able in the interest of economy, may permit buildings existing at the x Y ' time said building lines are established, and which project beyond said hues, to remain until such time as the owners of said nildings desire _ _ to reconstruct or substantially alter the said buildings: Provided, "'*’”*'°· _ That the Act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred p,§_f_{;§_fu_P°;’;,;{*rg,f and ninety-one, providing for certain projections upon street parkings, dc. ’ shall apply to all parkings established under this Act, and the control "°l·‘*°· 1*-******- of said parkings otherwise shall be vested in the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, who are hereby authorized to make and enforce all reasonable and necessary regulations for their care and preservation. Approved, January 12, 1899. CHAP. 56.-—-An Act Providing for additional circuit judges in the fifth and sixth J•¤¤¤¤'5‘ ?5· 1899- judieial circuits. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United State.; of America in Congress assembled, That there shall bein the fifth 6 t$_•1·}_i*g·¤;lx ti_¤¤»£; and sixth judicial circuits each an additional circuit judge, who shall ,,,.1 m`L`,,;t,, ° be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of