812 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 79-81. 1899. 1=ebrusry2, 1899. CHAP. 79.-An Act For the prevention of smoke in the District of Columbia, _"`;; and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Districrpf ¤<>1¤¤¤bi¤- States of America in Congress assembled, That on and after six months P”°"“"°°°f°"`°k°' from the passage of this Act the emission of dense or thick black or gray smoke or cinders from any smokestack or chimney used in connection with any stationary engine, steam boiler, or furnace of any description within the District of Columbia shall be deemed, and is Prpvw. _1 hereby declared, to be a public nuisance: 1{rostded, That nothing in ,,,1Q,§,‘{§§" f‘Q‘2,*’,§{ "'§‘f§ this Act shall be construed as applied to chimneys of buildings used vi¤i¤¤· exclusively for private residences. · R¤¤x»·>p¤i\;i¤_i¤>· of Sec. 2. That the owner, agent, lessee, or occupant of any building of °'“"°t°°M"`g` any description, from the smokestack or chimney of which there shall issue or be emitted thick or dense black or gray smoke or cinders within the District of Columbia on or after the day above named shall be deemed and held guilty of creating a public nuisance and of violating the provisions of this Act. P°”**l*Y· Sec. 3. That any person or persons violating the provisions of this Act shall, upon conviction thereof before the police court of the District of Columbia, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every oiiense; and each and every day wherein the provisions of this Act shall be violated shall constitute a separate otiense. Inspector. Sec. 4. That in order to provide for the enforcement of the provisions of this Act there shall be detailed from time to time by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia an inspector or inspectors of the health department of the District of Columbia, whose duty it shall be, under the supervision of the health officer of the District of Columbia, to cause to be prosecuted all persons violating the provisions of this Act. iuQ;2;;;*>¤r¤*¤¤*- Sec. 5. That no discrimination shall be made against any method or °device which may be used for the prevention of smoke and which accomplishes the purpose of this Act. R¤P¤¤1- Sec. 6, That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, February 2, 1899. February 2, 1899. CHAP. 80.-Au Act For the l`O(‘9tfll)ll>4lllll<‘llC and reconstruction of a Iight—houso — " t at or near month_m`Sulem Creek, New Jersey. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of.Itepresentati2·es of the Vnitcd
- gm,<fa;*;1*_*;_-‘_>i_-;F}',_ States of America in Oouyre·.ss assemblerl, That the Secretary of the
liglithmw·at,•·ta·. Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to reestablish and recon- ) _ struct a light-house at or near mouth of Salem Creek. New Jersey: {4;l’;jji.‘_m_ ]’rornIc:I, That the same shall not cost more than tour thousand dollars. Approved, February 2, 1899. [~`¢·|»ruary2, 1899. CHAP. 81.-AD ct T . 1 .· ' — — from the western digtrict <(;fEl"eg?;atottlit·c:dx¥lhwe:d d§;trfi1c(t,e»f]'Fg;nsShqrid fgriifsgilefr purposes. ’ _ _ _ l Be it enacted by the Senate and House qf.Re resentatires o the Unit ngijvis J¤*l·¤¤l ·l¤¤· States of .-lmerica in (Yongress assembled, That) the county ofrhlenard, ig Y M.? avri?fcDs‘t)[€— the State of Texas, nowjncludcd in and a part of the western district P‘;'*j_f’L°m{‘,j:';_L jg__ of Texas, shall be hereafter 111, and constitute part ot the northern dismcr. trict ot Texas. 1>r~¤.n¤g atriousnn- Sec. 2. That all offenses committed in said count of M n ‘
- °“°*‘· to the time this Act goes into operation. of which thse districtégtdigltlglt