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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/94

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. 55 conformity with the Act approved August twenty- seven th, eighteen hun- VOL 25· P· 45**- ·dred and eighty-eight, eight hundred and twenty five thousand dollars: _ Provided, That one-half of any sum or sums retained by State homes §Qj',',Q‘j‘[;,,m,_ on account of pensions received from inmates shall be deducted from the aid herein provided for. BACK PAY AND BOUNTY: For payment of amounts for arrears of A"°°’¤ °*`P’*Y· pay of two and three year volunteers that may be certiiied to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For payment of amounts for bounty to volunteers and their widows Bounty- and legal heirs that may be certified to be due by the accounting otllcers of the Treasury during the Hscal year eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, one hundred and ninety thousand dollars. For payment of amounts for bounty under the Act of July twenty- $·l;i¥j<>¤¤g2l餤¤ty- eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, that may be certified to be due ° "" ‘ by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the liscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, twenty-two thousand dollars. _ For payment of amounts for commutation of rations to prisoners of ,,_ff,‘;'j“'"“°"""" °’ "°‘ war in rebel States, and to soldiers on furlough, that may be certiiied to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the ti cal year eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, tbur thousand dollars. UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. t,£?*’""“"“° °' J'"' COUR.:r-HOUsE, WASHINGTON, Drsrmcr OF Co1.UMB1A: For annual °°""`l‘°“‘“"°‘°‘ riepairs, per estimate of the Architect of the Capitol, one thousand ollars. For repairing vault, procuring and placing metallic shelving, file holders, and so forth, office of the register of wills, as per estimate of Architect of the Capitol, two thousand dollars. msom.LAN1:oUs. M"°°"““°°““· Dmumnrnc SUITS IN CLAIMS AGAINST THE UNITED STATES: For c;.Di,‘Z.f§"'""‘ '“"’ "‘ defraying the necessary expenses incurred in the examination of witnesses and procuring of evidence in the matter of claims against the United States, and in defending suits in the Court of Claims, including the payment of such expenses as in the discretion of the Attorney- General shall be necessary for making proper defense for the United States in the matter of French spoliation claims, to be expended under c,}Qf;*°’* •P°"•*“°° the direction of the Attorney-General, forty thousand dollars. ` PUNISHING VIOLATIONS OF THE INTERCOURSE Ac·rs AND FRAUDS: 0g=¤;;:l};:g_*j:gf°¤· For detecting and punishing violations of the intercourse acts of Con- mann mms. ` gress and frauds committed in the Indian service, the same to be expended by the Attorney·General in allowing such fees and compensation of witnesses, jurors, marshals and deputies, and agents, and in collecting evidence, and in defraying such other expenses as maybe necessary for this purpose, four thousand dollars. Paosncnrron on camms: For the detection and prosecution of "§,;;°°°“‘*°” °‘ crimes against the United States, preliminaryto indictment; for the investigation of oihcial acts, records, and accounts of officers of the courts, including the investigation of the accounts of marshals, attorneys, clerks of the United States courts, and United States commissioners, under the direction of the Attorney-General, and ter this purpose all the records and dockets of these officers, without excep- Blog, shall be examined by his agents at any time, thirty-five thousand o ars. PROSECUTION AND COLLECTION or c1.Ams; For the prosecution ,_cQ”°,*,;','j{';;‘m‘,{§“°°" and collection of claims due the United States, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, five hundred dollars. TRAVELING EXPENSES, Trmmrour or ALAsxA: For the actual and Q}:",';',,,,, ,,,,,,,,.,,_ necessary expenses of the judge, clerk, marshal, and attorney, when traveling in the discharge of their odlcial duties, five hundred dollars.