918 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, Sess. Ill. Cris. 313-316. 1899. million five hundred thousand dollars in this Act authorized, together with the unexpended balance, if any, of the proceeds derived from the _ sale of the present site, may be expended in the construction of the building as provided for in section one of this Act. Approved, March 1, 1899. Mlmh l· lm- CHAP. 314.-An Act To provide compensation for a bridge and for buildings and `"—"U——_` other improvements constructed by certain persons upon public lands afterwards set apart and reserved as the Yellowstone National Park. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _,C¢;=;g_f;j;*ij,gr*9If1; States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the péovem.-me im mins Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of g*§';{{)','Q;,0,f;°f,Q§§(‘l any money in tbe Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the several persons in this Act named the several sums mentioned herein, to be received and in each case as full and final compensation for a certain bridge, buildings, and other improvements constructed and made by said persons upon public lands afterwards reserved and set apart as the Yellowstone National Park by the Act of March nrst, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, namely: To C. J. Baronett, of Gardiner, Montana, for the bridge known as “ Baronett’s Bridge," over the Yellowstone River, and the approaches thereto five thousand dollars. -u».mm c.uecm-e To J amos C. McCartney, of Gardiner, Montana, for certain buildings my- at or near Mammoth Hot Springs taken and used by the United States, three thousand dollars. -¤., Matthew are To Matthew McGuirk, of Los Angeles, California, for certain build- G“""· ings at or near Mammoth Hot Springs taken and used by the United States one thousand dollars. 7 Approved, March 1, 1899. March 1.1899. CHAP. 315.-An Act Authorizing the legislative assembly of the Territory of New —·w·;_" Mexico to create an additional indebtedness for the completion and furnishing of the Territorial capitol. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mj Q;,jjj{j,,,,,,m__ States or America in Congress assembled, That the legislative assembly al ati.-n.¤¤1¤·-qi irq of the Territory of New Mexico is hereby authorized to cause to be Qj',§,’§Q,`2{Ef*¥ “‘“" " "‘ issued bonds of the Territory for the sum of sixty thousand dollars for the purpose of raising the necessary additional funds for the comple- _ tion and furnishing of the Territorial capitol now in course of erection £j;g;··g;),__r__mD_ at Santa Fe: Prorivlwl. That the interest on such bonds shall be made ` _‘ payable in lawful money of the United States, the rate of interest not —r··¤¤·¤··¤··¤—¤- to exceed five per centum per annum: Provided further, That such bonds shall not be sold for less than par nor shall any part or portion _ of the proceeds thereof be used for any other purpose than that herein ,,5;:}***** $*****1 ¤"* specified} And provided further, That nothing in this Act shall be so ` construee as to make the Government of the United States liable or responsible for the payment of any of said debt by this Act authorized to be contracted. Approved, March 1, 1899. - —1 . . j2.lEqL-- _ CHA?. 316.-An Act Granting to the Clearwater Short Line Railway Company a right ot way through the Nez Perces Indian lands in Idaho. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the United ,:f,§°’§,§ff‘\§.f,‘} gZf,f,§,§ States of America in Congress assembled, That the right of wily is hereby xéggzxzjsrltgpirlnacpasln granted to the Clearwater Short Line Railway Company, a corporation 3,,,,,,, m,,,,, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Montana, and its