FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1II. Ch. 325. 1899. 953 tion, bulletins, and monographic works on the forage plants and grasses of North America, and the agricultural experiment stations are hereby authorized and directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture in establishing and maintaining experimental grass stations, not necessarily on the grounds of the home station, and in making field and _ laboratory investigations relating to the natural history, geographical distribution, and uses of the various grasses and forage plants and their adaptability to the special soils and climates wherever, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, such experimental work is necessary or advisable, twelve thousand dollars. AGRIGULTUBAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT Agmuimnexpm. STATIONS: To carry into effect the provisions of an Act approved March ""§¥‘§f§§°;f‘j§b, second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled “An Act to estab- y lish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several States under the provisions of an Act approved V°l· l’· P- 5°3· July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the Acts supplementary thereto/’ and to enforce the execution thereof, seven hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars, thirty-three thousand dollars of which sum shall be payable upon the order of the Secretary of Agriculture, to enable him to carry out the provisions of section three of said Act of F°"'““·°"°· March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and twelve thousand VM- 24. r-441- dollars of which sum may be expended by the Secretary of Agriculture · to investigate and report to Congress upon the agricultural resources and capabilities of Alaska; and to establish and maintain agricultural Al¤¤¤- experiment stations in said Territory, including the erection of buildin gs ' and all other expenses essential to the maintenance of such stations, of · which sum seven thousand dollars shall be immediately available; and A¤¤¤¤J statements the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe the form of the annual iinancial statement required by section three of said Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven; shall ascertain whether - the expenditures under the appropriation hereby made are in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, and shall make report thereon to Congress; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to employ such assistants, clerks, and other persons as he may deem necessary, and to incur such other expenses for office fixtures and supplies, stationery, traveling, freight, and express charges, illustration of _ _ the Experiment Station Record, bulletins and reports, as he may find RQf,§}’,{";}‘},f““ S*"“°“ essential in carrying out the objects of the above Acts, and the sums ` apportioned to the several States shall be paid quarterly in advance. And the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to furnish to {yylex of ¤z¤¤¤1¤¤· such institutions or individuals as may care to buy them copies of the r" 1 m "°‘ card index of agricultural literature prepared by the Office of Experiment Stations, and charge for the same a price covering the additional expense involved in the preparation of these copies, and he is hereby authorized to apply the moneys received toward the expense of the preparation of the index. _ _ Inmoarron invizsrremrrons: To enable the Secretary of Agricul. gulgi-g’f"°” ““'°°‘*· ture to investigate and report upon the laws and institutions relating to irrigation and upon the use of irrigation waters, with special suggestions of better methods for the utilization of irrigation waters in agriculture than those in common use, and for the preparation, printing, and illustration of reports and bulletins on irrigation; and the agricultural experiment stations are hereby authorized and directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture in carrying out said investigations in such manner and to such extent as may be warranted by a due regard to the varying conditions and needs of the respective States and Territories and as may be mutually agreed upon; and ten thousand dollars of the amount hereby appropriated shall be immediately available, thirty-five thousand dollars. _ _ Xumniriox invnsricsrionsz To enable the Secretary of Agricul- ,Q;g‘;,‘},,,'g§§,f*"°“ ‘”‘ ture to investigate and report upon the nutritive value of the various articles and commodities used for human food, with special suggestions