956 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 325. 1899. allels of latitude shall be ready for delivery on the tenth day oft J anu- ”Q*¢=*:¤¤·i1>f fmig ary or at the earliest practicable time thereafter: Bromded jurther, ¤e¤:L1°;§A%¤?r°xp° That twenty thousand dollars of the sum thus appropriated, or so much thereof as the Secretary of Agriculture shall direct, may be used to collect, purchase, test, propagate, and distribute rare and valuable seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants from foreign countries for experiments with reference to their introduction into this country; and the seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants thns collected, purchased, tested, and propagated, shall not be included in general distribution, but shall be used tbr experimental tests, to be carried on with the cooperation of the agricultural experiment stations. aww- ·¤•*1>¤*· Dommsmc SUGAR PRODUCTION : To enable the Secretary of Agri- °°culture to continue inquiry and ascertain the progress made in the_ production of domestic sugar from beets and sorghum, including the area of available lands adapted thereto by irrigation or otherwise, and . to investigate all other matters mncemin g the same, for cost of labor, traveling, and other expenses, seven thousand dollars. 4 T¤• ¤¤¤¤¤> TEA cULTUBE: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report on the cost of making tea and the best methods of cultiva- , ting and preparing the same for market, so as to demonstrate whether it is practicable to introduce its culture in the Southern States as a profitable industry, one thousand dollars. umm ot mimi Snmizs AND EXPENSES, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INPUSTRY: For I“$},‘{'§'_],_31_ carrying out tim provisions of the_Act of May twenty-ninth, eighteen ‘ hundred and eighty-four, establishing the Bureau of Animal Industry, · v¤i.2o.p.m. and of the Act of August tbirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, prov""°°·"1°°°' viding for an inspection of meats and animals, and also the provisions of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety·0ne, providing · I¤·1¤¤¤¤¤¤·>*°•***°- for the inspection of live cattle, hogs, and the carcasses and products thereof which are the subjects of interstate and foreign commerce, and {_`{gg‘,{;__”_ · for other purposes: Provided, That live horses and the carcasses and products thereof be entitled to the same inspection as other animals, $$3;; m°*“· carcasses, and products thereof herein named: Provided further, That ' the Secretary of Agriculture may,-in his discretion, waive the require- ‘ ment of a certificate with beef or other products which are exported to countries that do uot require such inspection, nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to use may part of this sum he may deem necessary or expedient, in such manner as he may think best, in the collection of information concerning live stock, dairy and other animal products, and to prevent the Preventing diseases spread of pleuro-pneumonia, tuberculo is, sheep scab, glanders or farcy, '““°“g °"“"°*‘· . hog cholera, and other diseases of animals, and for this purpose to employ as many persons as he may deem necessary, and to expend any Purchase. m., of part of this sum in the purchase and destruction of diseased or exposed <“¤°¤¤°d ¤¤*¤*°*•‘· animals und the quarantine of the same whenever in his judgment it is essential to prevent the spread of pleurdpuenmonia., tuberculosis, or other diseases of animals hom one State into another, and for printing and publishing such reports relating to animal industry as he may rmm markets m direct; and the Secretary of Agriculture may use so much of this sum
- “'“ ¤"°‘*°""·°‘°· as he deems necessary for promoting the extension and development of
foreign markets for dairy and other iimn products of the United States, ~ and for suitable transportation for the same; and such products may be bought in open market and disposed of at the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, and he is authorized to apply the moneys received from the sales of such products toward the continuation and repetition Larwmmy. of such experimental exports; and the Secretary is hereby authorized to rent a suitable building in the District of Columbia, at an annual F I t t ( rental of not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars, to be used ,.,,·{K‘§§"}L§’Q,‘ ,{;,Z.},‘L‘; as a laboratory for said Bureau of Animal Industry, and the Secretary 0f•¤i¤¤¤¥l¤¤¢h0fi¤¢•i· is further authorized to expend not to exceed twenty thousand dollars for the purchase and equipment of land in the vicinity of Washington for experiment station for the study of the diseases affecting the