50 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cas. 41,45, 88-90.i 1900. shall make it expedient and practicable to secure the same bg concurrent action of the leading commercial nations of the worl and at a. ratio which shall insure permanence of relative value between gold
and silver. · ·
Approved, March 14, 1900. M•¤‘¢hu16.1900· CHAP. "45.—An Act To grant an American register to the steamer Windward. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofR1e€resentatwk:es of the United wgéasxjdmig States of America in Ocnyress assembled, - at the Secretary of the mn regime. Treasurgxis hereby authorized and directed to cause the foreign-built steamer indward, owned lay Civil Engineer Robert E. Peary, United _ States Navy, to be registere as a vesse of the United States, provided » {that sheshall not engage in the coastwise trade of this Repub ic. Approved, March 16, 1900. March 23.1900- CHAP. 88.-An Act Declaring Cuivre River to not a navigable stream. ’ Be it enacted by the Senate and llcuse cf; R%resentati’ves of the United dc‘f,§£’g§ §},‘g°';,§${’é; States of America in Congress assembled, That uivre River, in the coun- . me. ties of Lincoln and Saint Charles, in the State of Missouri, being the dividing line, is hereby declared not to be a navigable stream, and shall be so treated by the Secretary of War and all other authorities. Approved, March 23, 1900. March 23,1900. CHAP. 89.-An-Act To constitute South Manchester, Connecticut, a port of A ·····*·—"‘_‘ delivery. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House cédltepiresentatmes mh United c0¤$l1*¤m¥;g3¤<g{)<;•%°€gf States of America in Ucngress assemb , hat South nchester, aeuvéiy. Connecticut, be, and is hereliy, constituted a port of delivery; in the P0I,¥,“,‘{}$,‘,¥“*‘§,,f’fi§'&i.,°g customs collection district of artford, Connecticut, and that the priv- ¢=¤¤¤¤¢0 W- ileges of the seventh section of the Act approved June tenth, eighteen V°l‘ 21*** 174* hundred and eighty, entitled "An Act to amend the statutes in relation to the immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other pi1rposes," be,` and they are hereby, extended to said port of Soutn anchester. ‘ _ Approved, March 23, 1900. March 23,1900- CHAP. 90.-·An Act To amend section forty-four hundred and forty-five, of title "*‘_""‘”"` fifty-two, of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the licensing of officers of steam vessels. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United $*****1* V°¤¤°'¤· States of America in Ocnyress assemble , That section forty-four hundred and forty-five, of tit e fifty-two, of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby, amended b * adding thereto the following_ paragraphs: . om er eppiieam a"Every applicant fbdr license as either master, mate, H5 ot, or engi- 22; “°°"° ” pim neer under the provisions of this title shall make and su scribe to an R.s..¤é».444~5.p.861. oath or aiiirmation before one of the inspectors referred to in this “"“°“°°°‘ title, to the truth of allthe statements set orth in his application for such license.