82 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 191. 1900. secretary shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the governor during such vacancy, disability, or absence. M¤¤¤¤<=>*-s¤¤¤i¤i- Sec. 21. That the attorney-general shall have all the powers and dischar e all the duties provided by law for an attorney of ai Territory of the United States in so far as the same are not locally inapplicable, and he shall perform- such other duties as may be prescribed by law, and make such reports, through the governor, to the Attorney- General of the United States as he may require, which shall annually be transmitted to Congress. , T*‘*=¤**¤*€’ Sec. 22. That the tI‘B&S\11'€l‘ shall give bond, approved as to form by the attorney-general of Porto Rico, in such sum as the executive council may require, not less, however, than the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, with surety a proved by the governor, and he shall collect and be the custodian of dhe public funds, and shall disburse the same when appropriated by law, on warrants signed by the auditor and countersigned by the governor, and shall perform suc other duties as may be prescribed by law, and make, through the governor, such reports to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States as he _ inay require, which shall annually be transmitted to Congress. A"d""’· Sec. 23. That the auditor shall keep full and accurate accounts, showing all receipts and disbursements, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, and make, through the overnor, such reports to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States as he _ may require, which shall annually be transmitted to Congress. _ ooxpmissiouerrzfihs Sec. 24. That the commissioner of the interior shall superintend all """"°r‘ works of a public nature, and shall have charge of all Lpublic buildings, groun s, and lands, except those belonging to the nited States, and shall execute such requirements as may be imposed by law with respect thereto, and shall perform such other- duties as may be prescribed by law, and make such repprts through the governor to the Secretary of the Interior of the nited States as he may require, · which shall annually be transmitted to Congress. comxpissimm of Sec. 25. That the commissioner of education shall superintend °d“°““°“‘ public instruction throughout Porto Rico, and all disbursements on account thereof must be approved by him; ana .e shall perform such other duties as may.be prescribed by law, and make such reports through the governor as may be re uired by the Commissioner of Education of the United States, whidli shall annually be transmitted i to Congress. ' omg; members of i Sec. 26. That the other five members of the executive council, to be §§‘§§§§§@_ °°““°‘1‘·appointed as hereinbefore provided, shall attend all meetings of the executive council and participate in all business of every character that may be transacted by it; and they shall receive as com ensation for their services such annual salaries as may be provided by the legislative assembly. Housn on nnnnonrns. Legislative essay Sec. 27. That all local legislative powers hereby granted shall be iiiiiisigz Pgrmgxlgiiiiivg vested in a legislative assembly which shall consist of two houses; one gg{‘é‘g§,f§€;“d h°“S° °i the executive council, as hereinbefore constituted, and the other a house of delegates, to consist of thirty-five members elected biennially by the qualified voters as hereinafter provided; and the two houses thus cpnstituted shall be designated "The legislative assembly of Porto Rico} Eievrivii disiricrs- Sec. 28. That for the purposes of such elections Porto Rico shall be divided by the executive council into seven districts, composed of contiguous territory and as nearly equal as may be in population, and each district shall be entitled to five members of the house of delegates. ` ‘ nnnorron on nnnnenrns. , EQQQQ ""“ "K dew Sec. 29. That the first election for delegates shall be held on such date and under such regulations as to ballots and voting as the executiife
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