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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/136

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84 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 191. 1900. ing power to create, consolidate, and reorganize the municipalities, so far as may be necessary, and to provide and repeal laws and ordinances thelrefpy; and aélso tlhe powerfto alter, gmenzi, modify, zynd 1`BPB8% aryy an a laws an or inances 0 every c arac er now in orce in or 0 _ Rico, or any municipality or district thereof, not inconsistent with the §’,§’,,’ff,,,m,,ch,S€S_ provisions hereof: modded, hqwever, That all grants_of franchises, rights, and privileglesor concessions of a public or quasi-publ1c nature shall be made by the executive council, with the approval of the governor, and all franchises granted in Porto Rico s all be reporte to Congress, which hereby reserves the power to annul or modify the same. The §“‘“°**“Y- THE JUDICIARY. cO§§§§,'f,Qgl"’d °°“’*·‘ Sec. 33. That the judicial power shall be vested in the courts and tribunals of Porto Rico as already established and now in operation, including municipal courts, under and byovirtue of General Orders, Numbered One hundred and eighteen, as promulgated by Brigadier-General Davis, United States Volunteers, August sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninetv-nme, and mcluding also the police courts established by General Orders, Numbered One hundred and ninety- five, promulgateél Nczyember twenty-nintjij, eigihtg-zen higxcjred and ninety-nine by riga ier-Genera Davis United States 0 unteers and the laws and ordinances of Porto ltico and the municipalities thereof in force, so far as the same are not in conflict herewith, all which courts and tribunals are hereby continued. The jurisdiction of r{jj;ji¤gjg¤i<>¤ M16 said courts and the form of procedure in them, and the various officials Pand attachés thereof, respectively, shall be the same as defined and dprescribed iijlagd byi sajid lgws gud cifdinances, gud ?id Ge(1;eraj1Or ers, Numbere ne un re an eig teen and ne undre an ninety- §;,‘;}’0i§g,,u€n,O,,er_ five, until_ otherwise provided by law: Provided, however, That the gigsrwal judicial viii- clhieif jlusticg agdlpslsociate justtigesj) of ylhe gupreimetcoprt anél thehmply- ' s a thereo s a e appoin e y the residen y an wit e advice and consent of the Senate, and the judgles of’the_ district courts shall be appointed by the governor, by and wit the advice and `consent of the executive council, and all other officials and attachés of all the - _ other courts shall be chosen as may be directed by the legislative i~ Powejdvjgewsllggwe assembly, which shall have authority to legislate from time to time as umn °°it may see ht with respect to said courts, and any others they may deem 1t advisable to establish, their organization, the number of judges and ofHcials and attaches for each, their jurisdiction, their procedure, _ _ and all other matters affecting them. _ _ _ _ _ _ mijjgjfjgl di¤¤‘i¢° es- Sec. 34. That Porto Rico shall constitute a judicial district to be uyeaemi juamm called "the district of Porto Rico." The President, by and with the ° °°"“‘ advice and consen; of thehSenfate, shag appoint a ldigtrict judge,fafd1s- trict attorney an a mars al or said istrict eac or a term 0 our nimm com. years, unless iooner rem0(yed by the Presiderft. Thgj distrgcté court for said district s all be calle the district court of the United States for -<>¤l¢¤¤·- Porto Rico and shall have lpower to appointall necessary officials and assistants including a cler an inter reter and such commissioners as may bé necessary, who sliall have like power and duties as are exer- ‘ j rm- ti gse? ainéltapgerforrréedh p]ornmissi0dn(;>_1£s oft thi cirgiuit courts (pftthe —iu ic om ni e es an s a ave m a 1 10n o e or mary juris 10 ion of district courts of the United’States, urisdiction of all cases cognizant in the circuit courts of the United States, and shall proceed therein in —p¤>ced¤re. the same manner as a circuit court. The laws of the United States relating to appeals, writs of error and certiorari, removal of causes, gud other matters and prglceedings as betweenlthe courts of tlyle United tates and the courts 0 the several States shall govern in suc matters . and proceeding? as between the district court of the United States and -*¢¤¤¤S¤f ¢<>¤¤- the courts of orto Rico. Regular terms of said court shall be held at San Juan, commencing on the second Monday in April and October