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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/159

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CH, 192. 1900. 107 writers, ventilators, wardrobe cabinets, washstands, water coolers and stands, seven thousand dollars. COLLECTING INTERNAL REVENUE. r€$gg§gfi¤g i¤*¢*¤=** For salaries and expenses of collectors and deputy collectors and C°“¤¤¤°*¤-emsurveyors, and clerks, including transportation of public funds, and also including expenses of enforcing the Act of August second, V¤1-24»v-2<>9- eighteen hun red and eighty-six, taxing oleomargarine, and the Act Vol.24,n. 218. of August fourth, eighteen· hundred and eighty-six, imposing upon the Government the expense of the inspection of tobacco exported; also the Act of June sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, impos- v¤1.2s,p.2se ingdadtaiic on filled cheese, one million seven hundred and ten thousan dollars. · Provided, That the Commissioner of Internal Revenue is authorized {)’*‘¢;g§·{¤·fde me in to detail deputy collectors of internal revenue in one district for spe- oneiiistrgctfogspedial cial duty in other districts, and the deputy collectors so detailed shall §§’.,’Q,§€ m °‘h°‘ d‘s' be paid by the collector of internal revenue and disbursing a ent for the district for which they are appointed and for which the agowance for their salary and expenses is made, the same as if all their services had been performed and expenses incurred in that district. For continuing the additional clerks and other employees in the Aaamomi mens, Oiiice of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and for salaries and °t°‘ expenses of increased force of deputy collectors rendered necessary by the Act of June thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, pro-_ v¤1.so,pp.4so,469. viding for war expenditures, and for other pur oses, .-and for salaries and expenses of ten additional agents provided for in section three, and the twenty additional clerks and agents provided for in section forty-seven of said Act of June thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For salaries and expenses of agents, fees and expenses of gaugers, Age¤:s,g¤ugm,etc. salaries and expenses of storekeepers and storekee r-gau ers, and miscellaneous ex enses, one million nine hundred thbusancf dollars: Provided, That 'tge compensation of the chief of the internal—revenue promos. agents shall" not exceed ten dollars per day, and of the other agents ,,g§,g§,§‘(§Sp,,°§§§,‘§,‘f‘§,$*gf not exceeding seven dollars er day each; and for per diem in lieu of subsistence, when absent on duty from their legal residence, said agents shall receive, at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding three dollars per day: Provédcdfurther, That the Com- Detail or gauges, missioner of Internal Revenue is authorized to detail gaugers, store- §’§$‘3Q§§i§“§th';?t,§§$ keeper-gaugers, and storekeepers, appointed in one district, for °¤*°*S·°**>· gpgecial or regular. duty in other districts, and the accounts of gaugers, rekee(per-gaugers, and storekeepers so detailed shall be adjusted sw and pai in the district where they are appointed the same as if assigilned to regular duty, without regard to the number of districts in w ich they may have been employed in any one month, the same as if all their services had been performed and expenses incurred in the district in which appointed, and the_ order of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue transferring gaugers, storekeeper-gaugers, or storekeepers to special work shall be accepted by the accounting officers ·¤~ of the Treasury Department as full authority for proper expenses incurred bg, said gaugers, storekeeper-gaugers, or Storekeepers, while so assigne . r — » INDEPENDENT TREASURY. ug§jd¤r>¤¤¤¢¤¤ treas- OFFICE or ASSISTANT TREASURER AT BALTIMORE: For assistant treas- t 0**1% of ¤¤SiS¤¤¤¤ urer, four thousand five hundred dollars; cashier, two thousand five risigiiiiiiigie. hundred dollars; three clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; two clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two clerks, at one