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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/165

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Flh"l‘Y-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. CH; 192. 1900. 113 For legislative expenses, namely: For rent, l·ight, fuel, telephone, Legislative expenses. ice, water, stationery, record files, record casings, printing, Stage, S ' clerks, messenger and porter, and incidentals in secretary’s ollife; per diem of membersof the legislature, mileage,·legislative supplies, pay of officers of legislature, rent, furniture, printing, and incidentals fo1· legjslative assembly, twenty-four thousand two hundred i and fifty dollars. a n _` _ Tmnmtroxr or OKLAHOMA: For governor, three thousand dollars; okiahom. chief justice and four associate judges, at three thousand dollarseach; and secretar , one thousand eight hundred dollars; in all, nineteen e thousandseight hundred dollars.- » — For contingent expenses of the- Territory, to be- expended by the cennngemexpeusesn governor for rents, private secretary, stenographer and typewriter, · and typewriter suppies, janitor, messenger, fuel, lights, stationery ‘ andprinting, · postage, te cgrams, furniture for office, express, and ‘ other incidenta S, one thousand dollars. For legislative expenses, namely: For rent of office, furniture, fuel, _€L§g§,$,§g;§*;§- lights, stationery, c erk hire, printing, postage, ice, recordcasings, ` messenger, porter, and other incidental expenses of the secretaofs oflice; per iem of members of the legislature,·mileage, legislative supplies, pay of officersn of legislature, rent, furniture, printing, and incidentals for legislative assembly, twenty-four-thousand two hundred _ · and fifty dollars: Provided, That the- legislative assembly shall not ..,fi§§f°”§f°;,,m0,,,, pm, consider any proposition or pass any bill to remove the seat of govern- $;*é°n§°a* of g°V€*¤· ment of said Territory from its present location: Provided further, -¤l; éoneseqsm new That said legislative assembly shall not make any appropriation or °“""°1b“‘m‘”g‘ enter into any contract for a capitol building.

WAR DEPARTMENT. W" D°p“'°“""‘°·

Ormcn or THE SECRETARY: For com nsation of the Secretary of c,§§,§g'°*g}§,§`· “°*i““`*“* War, eight thousand dollars; Assistant Sdcretary, four thousand five ' hundred dollars; chief clerk, including five hundred dollars as assistant inmilitary park and insular aifairs, three thousand dollars; clerk to_ the chief clerk, two thousand one hundred dollars; clerk to- the Secretary, two thousand two hnndredand fifty- dollars; clerk. to the Assistant Secretar , two thousand one hundred dollars; . steno rapher one thousandieight hundred dollars; disbursing clerk, two idiousand dollars· four cdxiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; superintendent of buildings,. outside of State, War, and Navy Department building, in addition to compensation as chief of division, five hundred dollars; appointment clerk,. two e thousand dollars; librarian, one _) thousand eight hundred dollars; fourglerks of class four; five clerks of class three; ten clerks·of~ class two;»>el§yen clerks of class one; four clerks, at one thousandjdollars each; one thousand dollars; foreman of laborers; one thousand do n Q’”’?~ijs;;...two carpenters, at nine hundred dollars each; four messen ers»;.e.;Seven assistant messengers; eight laborers; hostler, six hundred dollars; two hostlers, and one watchman, at five hundred and fortydollars each; in all, one hundred and four thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. » . For continuing the em loyment of such additional temporary force a{_*—dgg;i¤¤¤¤ temwof clerks, messengers, lzxnorers, and other assistants, rendered neces- I Y °°` sary because of increased work-incident to the war with Spain, as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be proper and necessary to the prompt, ei·l`icient,- and accurate dispatch of official business in the War Department and its bureaus, to be allotted by the Secretary of War to such bureaus and offices as the exi encies of the needs of the service may demand, six hundred thousand dollars. Persons in —pe;S¤¤¤s¤e1s;s;eea the classified service of the Government shall not be eligible to appoint- §‘§§Y‘°° er "hg‘b1°’ ment under this appropriation or other appropriations for ad itional employees because of increased work inc1dbnt to the war with Spain voL XXXI-—— -8