FIFTY-SIXTH·*~ Sess. I. Ch. 192. 1900. -115 mechanic, one thousand dollars; twelve assistant messen ers; three watchman; superintendent of building (Army h&,dical Lgiseum and Library), two hundred and Efty dollars; Eve laborers; chemist, two thousand and eighty-eight dollars; princi al assistant librarian, two thousand and eighty-eight dollars;»‘ athollo `st, one thousand eight hundred dollars; microscopist, one Elousandll eight hundred dollars; assistant librarian, one thousand eight hundref dollars; in all, one hundred and fifty-one thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars. · Ormcn on THE,PAYMASTER-GENERALZ For chief clerk, two thousand Og·ym¤¤e¤G¤¤emi·¤ dollars; five clerks of class four; Eve clerks of class three; seven clerks °°‘ of class two; two clerks of class one; one assistant messenger; four laborers; in all, thirty-four thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. Onnxcn on mn C1-unn OF»ORDNANGEZ For chief clerk, twoithousand mggige Chief <>f Orddollars; two clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; two clerks, of class two; twenty clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand - dollars each; two messengers; one assistantmessenger; one laborer; i in all, forty-one thousand six hundredand sixty dollars. V Omen on run Cmnn on E1~zemnnns:_ For chief clerk, two thousand once chase: Engidollars; five clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; four clerks °°°”' of class two; four clerks of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger, and two laborers; in all, thirty thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. t ( _ I Andsthe services of skilled draftsmen, civil engineers, and such Skilled dmfrsmeu. other services as the Secretary of War may deem necessary may be employed in the office of the Chief of-Engineers to carry into eifect the various appropriations for rivers and arbors, fortiiications,»and surveys to be paid from such plppropriations: P#r·0»veZded,_ That. the f expenditures on this account for e fiscal year ending June thirtieth {ue, V ° °xp°"df nineteen hundred and one, shall not exceed seventy-twohthousand dollars; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed and · the amount paid to each. i r n . · For postage stampsfor the War Department and its bureaus, as Postage stamps. required un er the Postal Union, to prepay stage on. pmatters addressed to Postal Union countries, one thousandlllollars. _ For contingent expenses- of the War Department and its bureaus couaugenuexpeuses. and offices, including purchase of professional and scientic books, law 4 ~ books, books of reference, (periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, newspppers, maps; furniture an repairs to same; carpets, matting oilcloth, _e cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges, fuel, fgas, and heating apparatus for and repairs to the buildings (outside o the State,.War, an Navy Department buildin ) occupied by the Adjutant-Generalls w ‘ Oiiice, the Sur eon—General’s (gflice, Record and Pension Office, Pay~ master-Generags and Ordnance offices, Signal Office and buildin for siglnal stores and`sup`p1ies, the depot quartermaster’s office, and the ot er offices of the ar De artment and its bureaus locatedin the · Lemon Building; expenses og horses and wagons to be used only for ofhcial purposes; freight and express charges, temporary labor not to exceed one thousand (§)ll8.1’S, an other absolutely necessary expenses, thirty-eight thousanddollars.. . d Idor additional amount_for the foregoing objects, twenty thousand o ars. ‘ · . V ·· Forstationery for the War Department and its bureaus and offices, smmuery. - twenty-two thousand five hundre dollars. l g For additional amount for the foregloirpgobject, ten thousand dollars. For rent of buildings for use of the _ ar Department as follows: nent. For medical dispensary, Surgeon-General’s Office, one thousand dollars; for Paymaster—General’s and Ordnance offices, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for depot quartermaster’s office,· one thousand igve hundred dollars; for War Department (Lemon Building), six thousand
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