Existing annuities."Nothing herein contained shall be held to affect in any way any annuities due said Indians under existing laws, agreements, or treaties.
"Article VIII.
Allotments by Interior Department may be governed by this agreement."It is further agreed that wherever in said reservation any member of any of the tribes of said Indians has, in pursuance of any laws or under any rules or regulations of the Interior Department taken an allotment, such allotment, at the option of the allottee, shall be confirmed and governed by all the conditions attached to allotments taken under this agreement.
"Article IX.
Existing leases."It is further agreed that any and all leases made in pursuance of the laws of the United States of any part of said reservation which may be in force at the time of the ratification by Congress of this agreement shall remain in force the same as if this agreement had not been made.
"Article X.
Certain persons married into tribes entitled to allotment."It is further agreed that the following named persons, not members by blood of either of said tribes, but who have married into one of the tribes, to wit, Mabel R. Given, Thomas F. Woodward, William Wyatt, Kiowa Dutch John Nestill, James N. Jones, Christian Keoh-tah, Edward L. Clark, George Conover, William Deitrick, Ben Roach, Lewis Bentz, Abilene, James Gardloupe, John Sanchez, the wife of Boone Chandler, whose given name is unknown, Emmit Cox, and Horace P. Jones, shall each be entitled to all the benefits of land and money conferred by this agreement, the same as if members by blood of one of said tribes, and that Emsy S. Smith, David Grantham, Zonee Adams, John T. Hill, and J. J. Methvin, friends of said Indians, who have rendered to said Indians valuable services, shall each be entitled to all the benefits, in land only, conferred under this agreement, the same as if members of said tribes.
"Article XI
Ratification."This agreement shall be effective only when ratified by the Congress of the United States.”
Said agreement be, and the same hereby is, accepted, ratified, and confirmed as herein amended.
Special allotment agent, etc.That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to cause the allotments of said lands, provided, for in said treaty among said Indians, to be made by any Indian inspector or special agent.
That all allotments of said land shall be made under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior to said Indians within ninety days from the passage of this Act, subject to the exceptions contained in article four of said treaty: Provided,Proviso
Limit of time alloting. That the time for making allotments shall in no event be extended beyond six months from the passage of this Act.
Lands open to settlement.That the lands acquired by this agreement shall be opened to settlement by proclamation of the President within six months after allotments are made and be disposed of under the general provisions of the homestead and town-site laws of the United States: Provided,Provisos.
Price per acre. That in addition to the land-office fees prescribed by statute for such entries the entryman shall pay one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for the land entered at the time of submitting his final proof: And provided