Envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to Denmark, Morocco, Paraguay and Uruguay, Portugal, Roumania and Servia, Sweden and Norway, and Switzerland, at seven thousand five hundred dollars each, fifty-two thousand five hundred dollars;
Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Greece and Montenegro and diplomatic agent in Bulgaria, seven thousand five hundred dollars;
Envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to Bolivia, Ecuador, Haiti, Korea, Persia, and Siam, at seven thousand five hundred dollars each, forty-five thousand dollars;
Ministers resident and consuls-general.Minister resident and consul—general to Liberia, five thousand dollars;
Minister resident and consul—general to Santo Domingo, five thousand dollars;
Agent, etc., CairoAgent and consul—general at Cairo, five thousand dollars;
Chargés d’affaires, etc.Chargés d’affaires ad interim and diplomatic officers abroad, thirty-five thousand dollars;
Total, four hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars.
Secretaries of embassies and legations.SALARIES OF SECRETARIES OF EMBASSIES AND LEGATIONS.
Salaries.Secretaries of embassies to Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Russia, at two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars each, eighteen thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars;
Secretaries of legations to China, Japan, and Turkey, at two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars each, seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars;
Secretary of legation and consul—general to Stockholm, two thousand five hundred dollars;
Secretaries of legations to Cuba, Panama, and Peru, at two thousand dollars each, six thousand dollars;
Secretary of legation and consul—general to Colombia, two thousand dollars;
Secretary of legation to Siam and consul-general at Bangkok, one thousand eight hundred dollars;
Secretary of legation to Guatemala and Honduras, one thousand eight hundred dollars;
Secretary of legation to Greece and Montenegro, who shall also be secretary of the diplomatic agency in Bulgaria, with residence at Athens, one thousand eight hundred dollars;
Secretaries of legations to Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and San Salvador, one thousand eight hundred dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars;
Secretaries of legations to Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Portugal, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, Spain, and Switzerland, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, twelve thousand six hundred dollars;
Secretaries of legations to Argentine Republic and Venezuela, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, and Liberia and Korea (who shall be consul-general to Seoul), at one thousand five hundred dollars each, six thousand six hundred dollars;
Secretary of legation and consul-general to Roumania and Servia, one thousand five hundred dollars;
Second secretaries of embassies to Austria—Hungary, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Russia, at two thousand dollars each, fourteen thousand dollars;
Second secretaries.Second secretaries of legations to Japan and China, who shall be American students of the language of the court and country to which they are appointed, respectively, and shall be allowed and required, under the direction of this Secretary of State, to devote their time to the acquisition of such language, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars;
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