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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/101

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Vacant lots.
Owners of, to remove snow on abutting sidewalks
Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of the owner or owners of every vacant or unimproved lot within the fire limits of the District of Columbia fronting or abutting upon a paved sidewalk, within the first four hours of daylight after the ceasing of any fall of snow, as set forth in section one thereof, to cause such snow to be removed from the paved sidewalk in front of such lot or lots in the same manner, and to the same extent, and subject to the same penalty as provided in said section; Ice or hardened snow.and in the event any snow that may have fallen shall, before its removal, become so hardened by freezing or otherwise that it can not be removed without great difficulty, or if at any time ice shall have formed on any such sidewalk by the freezing of rain, hail, melted snow, or in any other manner, it shall be the duty of such owner or owners, within the first four hours of daylight thereafter, to sprinkle, or cause such frozen snow or ice, to the extent aforesaid, to be sprinkled with sand or sawdust or other such substance; Penalty.
Ante, p.12.
and for failure to do so such owner or owners shall be subject to the same penalty provided in section one of this Act.
Removal, etc., by Commissioners on failure of owner.Sec. 4. That in the event of the failure of any such owner or owners of any vacant or unimproved lot to cause the removal of such snow or ice, or to sprinkle the same as hereinbefore provided, it shall be the duty of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, as soon as practicable after the expiration of the time herein provided for the removal or sprinkling thereof, to cause the snow or ice in front of such lot to be removed or to cause the same to be sprinkled as hereinbefore directed to be done by such owner or owners; Assessments against unimproved, etc. lots.and upon each and every such removal or sprinkling by them they shall assess the sum of one dollar against each such lot, and where any such lot has a frontage in excess of twenty-five feet an additional sum of one dollar for each additional frontage of twenty-five feet or fractional part thereof, which said assessment shall be a lien on such lot when entered of record on the tax records of the District of Columbia, and to continue until paid, and shall be added to the general tax annually levied on such lot, and shall be collected in the same manner and as part of such general tax: Proviso.
Assessments not to relieve owners from penalties.
Provided, however, That such removal or sprinkling by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and assessment therefor, shall not relieve the owner or occupant from the penalty hereinbefore provided for failure to remove or sprinkle such snow or ice.
Removal of dirt, etc., by owners.Sec. 5. That it shall he the duty of every owner of any unimproved or nontenanted improved lot or lots, and of the tenant or occupant of any improved lot or lots of ground in the District of Columbia, within three days after Notice.notice to do so by the Commissioners, to cause to be cleaned oil and removed all dirt, sand, gravel, or other refuse matter that may fall, wash, or be placed upon any paved sidewalk adjacent to such lot or lots in the District of Columbia, VAnte, p. 12.subject to the same penalty provided in section one of this Act.
Removal of dirt, etc., by Commissioners.Sec. 6. That in the event of failure on the part of any owner, tenant, or occupant of any improved or unimproved lot or lots of ground in the District of Columbia to comply with the provisions of the preceding section of this Act within live days after the notice hereinbefore provided, it shall be the duty of the Commissioners of the District to cause the removal of such accumulation of dirt, sand, gravel, or other refuse matter; Assessment.
and upon any and every such removal by them they shall make an assessment on account thereof at the same rates and under the same provisions named in section four of this Act.

One-half from District revenues.
Sec. 7. That, to enable the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to comply with the provisions of sections four and six of this Act, the sum of five thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, one-half out of the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropri-