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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1024

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. 937 13. Crystal, and glass imitating crystal: (a) Articles cut, engraved, painted, enameled, or gilt, G. W., one hundred kilos, twelve dollars; (b) The same, neither cut, engraved, painted, enameled, nor · gilt, G. W., one hundred kilos, five dollars and sixty cents; (c) Lamp chimneys of all kinds, per one hundred chimneys, twentv-five cents. No#m.—Decanters, glasses, tumblers, cups, goblets, saucers, plgltes, dishes, pitchers, bowls, candlesticks, pillar-lamps, bracketps, and other articles of table service and lighting, white or colored, and statuettes, ilower stands, vases, urns, and similar alrticles for tplilet purposes or house decoration are included in t is aragra . 14. Plate lass or Iilate crystal: · (a) Slabs for paving or roofing, G. W., one hundred kilos, one dollar and sixty-five cents; (b) For windows or in other articles, provided that they are neither polished, beveled, engraved, nor annealed, G.W., one hun red kilos, two dollars and twenty cents; (c) Window glass set in lead; frosted pane glass, plain or in design; and plate glass polished, beveled or not, G. W., one undred kilos, four ollars and fifty cents; (d) Articlels felpgraved or enameled, G. W., one hundred kilos, ten o rs. 15. Mirrors and looking glasses of glass and crystal: _ (a) Common mirrors not exceeding two millimetersjn thickness, G. W., kilo, fourcents; (b) Other mirrors, not beveled, G. W., kilo, seven cents; ` ' (c) Beveled mirrors, G. W., kilo, twelve cents. _ 16. Other articles and manufactures of glass: . (a) All kinds of spectacles, eye-glasses, and goggles, and glasses for same, per dozen, twenty-five cents; (b) Other articles, neither cut, engraved, painted, enameled, nor gilt, G. W., one hundred kilos, four dollars; (c) The same, either cut, engraved, painted, enameled, or gilt, G. W., one hundred ki os, eight dollars. N0*rE.—¥Vashbowls, wash basins, scalp dishes, toothbrush ‘ holders, and washstand pitchers are inclu ed in this number. _ Provided, That none of the articles classified under paragraphs §}',';{,$,m_ thirteen and sixteen shall pay a less rate of duty than thirty per centum ad valorem, and none of the articles classified un er paragraphs twelve, fourteen, and fifteen shall pay a less rate of . uty than twenty per eentum ad valorem. Grzour 6.—·Po•r1‘rmY, EARTHENWARE, AND PORCELAIN. Group 6. 17. Common cla : P<>¤¤*v· ¢¤¤¤€¤· (a) In common bricks, fire bricks, and squares, unglazed, for `”'°’ md '°°"°l°m' buildin and industrial purposes, G. W., one thousand kilos, tgirty cents; (b) Pressed, vitritied, or glazed bricks or squares, G. W., one thousand kilos, sixty cents; (c) In tubes or pipes, not varnished, vitrified or glazed, for building or drainage purposes, G. W., one hundred kilos, ten cents; (d) In tubes or pipes, varnished, glazed or vitrified, for industrial or drainage purposes, G. W., one hundred kilos, twenty cents.