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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1026

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a FIFTYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408{ 1905. 939 CLASS II.——METALs AND ALL MANUFACTURES IN wmon A METAL ENTEBS QI1g;?,?- AS A PRINCIPAL ELEMENT. ' Gaovr 1.—GOLD, SILVER, AND PLATINUM, AND ALLOYS or THESE Group 1. METALS, AND GOLD AND SILVER PLATE. 2]. Gold and platinum or alloys thereof : u$l‘kw°*l'°*· Pl¤**· (a) In jewelry, plate, and goldsn1iths’ wares, not otherwise pro-` , vided for, N. W., hectog, twelve dollars and fifty cents; (b) Same set with pearls or precious stones, not otherwise provided for_, N. W.. hectog, twenty-five dollars; (c) Same set with doublets, imitation precious stones, or imitation pearls, N. W., hectog, seventeen dollars and fifty cents; (d) Same manufactured into articles other than jewelry or plate, except as otherwise specially provided, N. W., hectog, three dollars. _ 28. Silver: (a) In jewelry, plate, and toilet articles, not set with pearls or precious stones, or imitation pearls or imitation precious ` stones, N. W., hectog, one dollar; (b) In jewelry, plate, toilet articles, and all manufactures of silver, set with pearls or precious stones, N. W., hectog, fifteen dollars and fifty cents; (c) In jewelry, plate, toilet articles, and all manufactures of silver, set with imitation pearls or imitation precious stones, N. W., hectog, eight dollars;. (d) Other articles and manufactures of silver, not specially provided for, includin toilet articles and plate composed in part of glass, porcglain, clay, steel, or common metal, of which the material of chief value is silver; also silver manufactured for dentists when not in sheets; soldier and silver foil, N. W., hectog, forty cents. 29. Gold and silver plated wares: (a) Gold and silver plated jewelry, N. W., kilo, two dollars and forty cents; (b) Gold and silver plated wares other than jewelry, N. W., kilo, two dollars: Provided, That none of the articles classified under para- §m':{jj;n_ graphs twenty-seven, twenty-eight, and twentymine shall pay aless rate of duty than twenty-five pcr centum ad valorem: And provided fart/ae}-, That all articles classified for duty under Ne: warm me paragraphs twent ·-seven, twenty-eight. and twentymine shall "°" "' pay the prescribed rates on the net weight of the articles themselves, and that the immediate packing in which they are contained shall be assessed for duty under the paragraph covering the article of which it is manufactured. Gnorr 2.-CAST mos. GMP2- Articles of malleable cast iron are dutiable as manufactures cmxmu. of wrought iron. 30. Pigs, G. W., one hundred kilos, ten cents: 31. Articles not coated or ornamented with another metal or porcelain, neither polished nor turned: (a) Bars, beams, plates, grates for furnaces. columns, and pipes. G. W., one hundred kilos, thirty-five cents: · (b) Lubricating boxes for railway trucks and carriages. and railway chairs. G. WV., one hundred kilos. thirty cents; (c) Articles. other, not elsewhere mentioned. G. \V.. one hundred kilos. seventy-five cents.