942 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. (b) Pocket cutlery, side arms (not fire), and parts for same; razors, N. W., kilo, sixty cents; _ (c) Pruning and budding knives, grass, garden, hedge, pruning, and sheep shears, N. WV., kilo, five cents; (d) F ishhooks; all other cutlery, including scissors and shears, not specially provided for, N. W., kilo, thirty cents; (e) Surgical and dental instruments of all kinds, cutlery or not, including those of other materials except gold, platinum, or silver; and including, also, medical induction batteries and thermocauteries, N. W., kilo, thirty cents:
Provided, That none of the articles classified under para-
' graphs fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, and fifty-four shall pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centum ad valorem. Firearms. 55. Small arms and barrels: (a) Barrels, unfinished, for portable arms, N. W., kilo, twenty- five cents; (b) Barrels, finished, for portable arms, N. W. , kilo, sixty cents; (c) Pistols and revolvers, also their detached parts, except barrels, N. W., kilo, three dollars. 56. Other arms, breech and muzzle loading, and detached parts thereof, except barrels, N. W., kilo, two dollars. '¤¤ rim- 57. Manufactures of tin plate, N. W., one hundred ki1os,_five dollars. 58. Wrought iron or steel in common articles of all kinds not specially b · provided for, though coated with lead, tin, or zinc, or painted or varnished, N. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars and fifty cents: Provided, That none of the articles classified under this'para— griiph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centum ad va orem. 59. Wrought iron or steel in articles of all kinds not specially mentioned, fine, that is, polished, enameled, coated with porcelain, nickel, or other metals (with the exception of lead, tin, zinc, gold, or silver), or with ornaments, borders, or parts of other metals (except old or silver), or combined with glass or earthenware, W`., one hundred kilos, four dollars: Minimum. ftwwéded, That none of the articles classified under this paragriaph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centum ad va orem. <*¤>¤I· 4· Gkoor 4.—-Corrmz AND ALLOYS or COMMON METALS wrru COPPER (BRASS, BRONZE, AND So 13*0121*11). m;`¤¥>P€* Mm °“°>'*· 60. Copper scales (lamina:). copper of first fusion, old co per, brass, ' and so forth, G. W., one undred kilos, one dollar ancl)fifty cents. 61. Ccipperiand alloys of copper; in iugots, G. W., one hundred kilos, wo dollars. 62. The same rolled in bars of all kinds, G. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars and twenty-five cents. 63, The game rolled in Sheets, G. \V., one hundred kilos, two dollars an v cen s. 64. The same in wire, galvanized or not: (a) One millimeter or more in diameter, N. W., one hundred kilos, four dollars and fifty cents; _ (b) Less than one millimeter in diameter, N. W., one hundred kilos, four dollars and fifty cents: (c) Silvered or nickeled, N. W., kilo. thirty-tive cents. 65. The same in wire. covered with textiles other than silk, not specially provided for, or with insulating materials; cables for conducting electricity, N. W., one hundred kilos, five dollars; (a) Thlgparigftin wire povered with silk, flexible or not, N. WV., 1 0, een cen s.