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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1049

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962 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. (b) For boys,_smaller than size numbered live and one—half, per pair, thirty cents; (c) For women, size numbered two and one-half or larger, per pair, thirty-five cents; (d) For girls, smaller than size numbered two and one—half, per pair, thirty cents; (e) For babies per ir, ten cents. _ emma. 223. Shoes or gaitexs of calgkin, with elastic or buttons or for lacing: (a) Fcpiu men, size numbered five and one·half or. larger, per pair, 'rty cents· (b) For boys, smaller than size numbered live and one-half, per pair twenty cents- (0) For women, sizpi numbered two and one-half or larger, per pair twenty- ve cents; (d) For girls, smaller than size numbered two and one-half, per pair twenty cents- (e) For babies, per pair,’five cents. _ · _ _ com 224. Gaiters of patent or s1m1lar leather and of 1m1tation patent leather: (a) For men, size numbered five and one-half or larger per pair, forty cents· (b) For boyts, smaller than size-numbered five and one—half, per pair irty cents- (c) Forwemen, size ndmbered two and one-half or larger, per ‘ . pair, thirty-five cents; (d) For girh, smaller than size numbered two and one—half, per pair, _ irty cents· (e) For babies, per pair, ten cents., _ _ N Urn. —The sizes of shoes and gaiters referred to in the above paragraphs are of the American standard. 225. Other boots and shoes, fancy, per pair, fifty cents; (a) Otlipr boots and shoes not specially provided for, per pair, t irty cents.

   boots, per pair, one dollar.

. n s: (a) Of leather, per pair, fifteen cents; b) Of other_ materials, and common shoes worn by the Chinese, per xr, ten cents· (c) Spaniphaalpargatas, with hemp or corded soles, per pair, live cen s. smidlory and ¤¤· 228. Saddlery and harness: °°°°` (a) Draft harness, and parts, other than for carriages, N. W., k1lo, fifteen cents; (b) Carriage harness and parts, N. W., kilo, thirty cents; (c) Other saddlery and harness makers’ wares, including saddles, valises, hat boxes, and traveling bags, wholly or in ‘ part of leather, N. W., kilo, thnrtiv cents. 229. Other manufactures of leather or covere with leather, not specially provided for, N. W.,‘kilo, forty cents; (a) Leat er belting, N. W., kilo, twenty-five cents: ,,,m,m_ Pwweded, That none of the articles classified under para- Minimum. graphs two hundred and twenty-eight or two hundred and twetrgy-nme shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty per cen m a va orem. G*°°P 8- Gnotrr 3.-——VAn1oUs. “““°°“°“°°“‘ 230. Feathers for ornaments, in their natural state or manufactured, . N. W., k1los two dollars and fifty cents: p,,,;,,_ Promded, zfhat none of the articles classified under this para- "*”*¤¤¤· gph shall pay a less rate of duty than sixty per centum ad orem. ·