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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1051

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964 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Ch. 1408. 1905. islands for the markets, and detached parts therefor, also traction and portable engines and their boilers adapted to and imported for and with rice-threshing machines, and steam plows, live per centum ad valorem. No*1*m.—The ex ression "Preparing vegetable (products for the markets," shall be taken to mean putting said products in their tirst marketable condition. Locomotives 246. Locomotives, includin tenders, and traction and portable engines complete, and detagied parts therefor, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 247. Turntables and power and hand cranes, fifteen per centum ad ' valorem. Elw¤’i¤¤¤¤Pv•¤¢¤¤~ 248. Apparatus and appliances for the generation, distribution, test- · ing, measuring, and installation of electricity, dry and wet batteries, carbon brushes, arc lamps and their fittings, insulatingmaterials, tapes, and compounds used exclusively for electrical purposes; bells, annunciators, telephones, and apparatus pertaining to the same; galvanometers, amperemeters, voltmeters, and wattmeters; an all or any parts o apparatus specified, including insulators of glass or porcelain or other material, five per centum ad valorem. 249. Storage batteries, five per centum ad valorem. 250. Dynamos, generators, exciters, and all other machinery for the generation of electricity for lighting or for power; trans— _ formers and electric motors and electr1c fans, five per centum ad valorem: (a) Incandescent lamps, mounted or not mounted, fifteen my centum ad valorem. sewing machines. 251. All sewing machines and detached parts therefor, except needles, fifteen per centum ad valorem. , Bicycles. orc. 252. Bicycles and velocipcdes and detached parts and accessories there to, including lamps, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 253. Typewriters and detached parts therefor; including ribbons, fifteen per centum ad valorem. · 254. Phouographs, cinematographs, biographs, and similar machines, including detached parts and records and films therefor, thirty per centum ad valorem. 255. Cash registers and adding machines, and detached parts therefor, twenty-tive per centum ad valorem. 256. Automatic slot machines for wei hing and other purposes, not prohibited, and detached parts tdierefor, thirty per centum ad valorem. 257. Other machinery and detached parts of machines not specially provided for: ` (a) Of co per and its alloys, twenty per centum ad valorem. (b) Of odher materials, ten per centum ad valorem. cmupz. Gnocr 3.——CARRIAGES. comma 258. Coaches and berlins, new, used, or repaired, twenty per centum ad valorem. 259. Omnibuses, diligences, Concord, and similar coaches, new, used, or repaired. twenty r centum ad valorem. 260. Other common fouuwhfeled carriages, with four ormore seats, new or repaired, twenty per centum ad valorem. 261. All other carriages not specially provided for, new, used, or repaired, including automobiles for rsons or merchandise, ba y carriages, trimmed or untrimmedicand jinrikishas, twenty per centum ad valorem.