FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. 975 (b) Vessels for communion or other sacred purposes, vestments, Pu*}p"§§;j” ‘°* ”°’°° relics, ]ewels, candelabra, and other articles belonging to. any churchdanldoused stptely fpr rlpligilous ceremgmal purposesman a u_ana ro ac urc orwom ypnests or ministelps cifhrpligiongcir sgch pulrpdses, if such articles were in the ii pine s an s, an were removed there— , from before July first, nineteen hundred and two, to avoid the of trtpgberyil or dppredagiong but such articles are mi wit out uty on y a ter the overnor— general shall be satisfied by evidence producef that the articles presented for admission free are within the foregpingélescripticép ar1rd1%hall_cer§ify tge fact to the collector _ o cus oms or e nippine s n s. ‘ 394. Foreign articles destined to exhibitions held in the Philippine E’h“’“'·°'°· Islands, under such rules, regulations, and conditions as may be 39 S prescribed py the tPhil)ippine Commission. 5. u marine te e rap ca es. 396. Pumps, intended for the salvage of vessels, imported temporaril . 397. Parts of machinery, pieces of metal, and wood imported for the repair of foreign vessels which have entered ports of the Philippine Islands through stress of weather. mxroirr norms. . Sec. 13. That on the following products of the Philippine Islands, “g‘*°;u°‘ §{,l{]}‘;,,f¤“; when expoliiténilh therpfromhtlaere shallfblgi levied and co lected on the i>¤>¤¤¤¤· ‘ gross weig ereo expo uties as o ows: 398. Abaca, raw or wrought hemp, one hundred kilos, seventy-five cents. 399. Indigo, one hundred kilos, twenty-five cents. 400. Indigo engployeld lfor dyeing ("tintarron"), one hundred kilos, two an one- a cents. 401. Sugar, one hundred kilos, five cents. 402. Cocoanuts, fresh and dried (copra), one hundred kilos, ten cents. 403. Tobaccpo, manufactcpred, of 311 kinds and whatever origin, one hundre ki os one ollar an fifty cents. 404. Tobacco, raw, grown in the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, and Nueva Vizcaya (Luzon Island), one hundred kilos, one dollar and fifty cents. - 405. Tobacco, raw, grown in the Visa as and Mindanao Island, one h d d ki e doll r y · un re los, on a . 406. Tolpacgo, grown in opiher provinces of the archipelago, one un re ios seventy- ve cents. Certificates of,origin of raw tobacco may be required by the customs authorities when proof of the place of production is necessarv: Provitl d That the rates of dut levied, collected and paid upon · X products bfthe rmiappicc isicmis coming inc mc United sem shall be less any export duty or taxes levied, collected, and paid ” °°"" thereon upon the shipment thereof from the Philippine Islands, under suc rules and regulations as the Secretary o the Treasury mav prescribe; but all articles the growth and product of the Philip ine Islands admitted into the ports of the United States free of) duty, and coming directly from said islands to the United States, for use and consumption therein, shall be exempt fromany export duties imposed in the Philippine Islands. rosxson mms. Sec. 14. That at all ports or places in the Philippine Islands there T°'*“*¤°'*°·** shall be levied the following navigation and port charges: On the entry
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