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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1064

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cus. 1408, 1409. 1905. 977 of an Act relating to the Phili 'ne Islands a roved Februar sixth nineteen hundred and five. ppl pp y ’ Nothing in this section contained shall in any way affect any legal fg "" “°’ '·*‘ proceeding that has been or may be lawfully commenced at any time I y reason of any act or omission done or committed before the date upon which this Act goes into force and effect. Sec. 21. That the index and repertory hereto attached are not an integral part of the tarif law and shall not be construed to alter or change the same in any way. _ Sec. 22. That the entry of all importations at the rts of the Philip- °°“"““ ““'°i°°'· pine Islands made subsequent to a period of sixty dlsys from the date this revised tariff goes into force and edect, of goods, wares, and merchandise from countries other than the United Sta.tes, when the value of such importation exceeds one hundred dollars, shall be accompanied by a consular invoice similar to that required for goods imported into the United States from foreign countries and executed as reqpired for importations into the United States; and when brought into the Philippine Islands from the United States, such importations shall be accompanied by an invoice similar in form to the consular invoices required for importations into the United States, but in lieu of execution by a consul of the-United States, such invoices shall be sworn to before a United States commissioner, collector of customs, or deputy collector of customs. Sec. 23. That where imported materials on which duties have been Qt*gg'¤u$“*{er{:*u$ paid are used in the manu acture or production of articles manufac- ggponea. tured or produced in the Philippine Islands there shall be allowed on the exportation of such articles a drawback equal in amount to the duties Kid on the materials used, less one per centum of such duties: Provi d, That when the articles exported are made in rt from hmm. domestic materials the imported materials, or the parts of th: articles ,,,';{°§€l§§m’§,2§°mT. made from such materials, shall so appear in the completed articles **1****- that the quantity or measure thereo may be ascertained: And provided further, That the drawback on any article allowed under exist- Existinzdmwbncks ing law shall be continued at the rate herein provided. _That the '°$§’§*,i{§f,*€`(,g dmv. imported materials used in the manufacture or production of articles *’°°k“· entitled to drawback of customs duties when exported shall, in all cases where drawback of duties paid on such materials is claimed, be identified, the quantity of such materials used and the amount of duties id thereon shall be ascertained, the facts of the manufacture or prodilction of such articles in the Philippine Islands and their exportation therefrom shall be determined and the drawback due thereon shall be paid to the manufacturer, producer, or exporter, to the agent of either or to thlglperson to whom such manufacturer, producer, exporter, or agent s in writing order such drawback paid, under such regulations as the governor-general shall prescribe. Sec. 2-}. That this Act shal be known and referred to as the Phil- Huecfw. ip ine tariff revision law of nineteen hundred and five. Sec.- 25. That this Act shall take effect sixty days after its passage. naw. Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1409.-An Act For the extension of M street east of Bladensburg road, “'}'é°l;g3;5l?°°· and for other purposes. [Public. ho. 142.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House oflfiqzreaewntayianes of the United mmm of Oommbil Staten of Ameriea en Omgress assembled, That withm twenty days Extension orumeee after the dedication to the istrict of Columbia of at least two-thirds °,§§{,_°‘ m“°°“’°“" of the land necessary for the extension of M street as hereinafter . described the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to institute in the supreme court vox. xxxm, rr 1--62