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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1073

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986 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 1415,1416. 1905. provided for in section one of this Act said Commissioners are also empowered to issue temporary permits for the erection and maintenance of poles and overhead conductors in places where the lines are ultimately to be placed underground, where the worlg can not be immediately done because of the greater urgency of work in other localities, or for other reasons satisfactonky to said Commissioners; but in issuing such temporary_permits said ‘ommissioners shall bear in mind the purpose and policy of this Act, which IS to cause to be removed from the streets and avenues within the said limits described in section one of this Act all poles and wires attached thereto, except as hereinbefore provided, as exipeditiously as may be without interfering with o1· unmiring the e ciency of the telegraph service in said District and wit out enying to the public reasonable telegraph facilities. 0gs¤¤¤¤¤3 ¤¤=·· *¤ Sec. 4a. hat any officer of the United States Government charged me m with the care, maintenance, and supervision of any public park or res- - ervation may grant permission to any com ny or corporation now or hereafter maintaining and_operating a tdlzgraph plant or system in plaid District, upon application being made therefor, to construct conmts, subs1d1ar1es,o1 manholes IH said park or reservation, under such reasonable regulationsas sa1d officer may prescribe, unless, in the ]udgment of said officer, said construction will result in injury to the United States or its properties. R¤s¤l¤¤<>¤¤- Sec. 5. That all subwa s conduits, manholes, and overhead lines cons ruc e or erec e un er e provisionso IS c s a e su ]ec t td td dY,th " fth'Athllb b`t to such reasonable regulationsas the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may from t1n1e to time prescribe as to inspection, location, miurm ew character of conduit construction, and height of poles and wires: H·e- wms. " vided, That in all underground conduits so constructed such space shall be furnished to the said District of Columbia and the United States as may be necessary for their telegraph, fire-alarm, and police-patrol wires or cables carrying low potential currents of electricity, free of charge: Mmmum '*¤°*¤’°· And provide _;‘imf}ze¢·, That the number of ducts so reserved in any Served` one conduit shall not be more than two

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Etingopnps oi; szreet pqles ap}d_wiaes, ang qpytallety pcges otgmleyipple ne ous- w SW1 in esai 1sr1c an ou1eo 16 limits described iii section one of this Act to continue to maintain the same, with such repairs and renewals as may be necessary to kee them in good order and condition of repair, and to add thereto such poles and wires as may be necessary for their telegraph1c purposes. Mf·¢¤d¤¢¤*· Sec. 7. That Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal {mf **8**** ¤°° *‘· pigs Act,] but nothing hegeintsgall abpidge or lessen tihpt rights lgragteg R.S.,sec.5268,p.1019. e egrap companies un er 1 e six y- ve, section-two un re and sixty-three and the following, United States Revisell Statutes. .h§;"=¤¤°¤*°¤°*· G Sec. 8. Tbapuiflat any timre the lfstrict of Columbia or the National overnment s acquire y purc ase condemnation proceedings. or otherwise, the property df any telegraiph company in the District of glolulmpip, xgotliéng (pha thqp be dpapl or the rights accorded unde1· is 1 o u1 an ay suc con u1 s. Approved, March 3, 1905. ¥T!;lg§g°5- CHAP. 1416.eAn Act To promote the efficiency of the reserve militia and to

 encourage ride practice among the members thereof. »

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative: of the Mzited ..?·.i.E“ii.i*Ei’,§:,~ ‘i'Z1’§'.'“r€’é'.$¥‘£°§T.1’""€’£'€i”é"”,$€.?“€l; i”“l.’*’§ ?§°““'%-°{.d“i“” i n e en 8 , » L 8 W 1C ey are is or ‘°'“”°°*·“‘”°'*'°‘* the Army, upon the request of the governors of the several States and