FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cus. 1442, 1443. 1905. 1009 In all cases of payments the accountin officers shall take into Dm'? *“'*”'¤ d** account the assessment for beneiits and the award for damages, and (mm mm Mucha shall pay onlv such part of said award in respect of any lot as may be 1n excess of the assessment for benefits against the part of such lot not _ taken, and there shall be credited on said assessment the amount of said award not in excess of said assessment. That said court may allow amendments in form or substance in any P¤>¤w¤¤s¤- petition, process, record, .or proceeding, or in the description of ~ property proposed to be taken, or of property assessed for benefits whenever such amendments' will not interfere with the substantial ri%hts of the parties interested. mc. 9. That each juror shall receive_as compensation the sum of _ <¤>¤r¤¤¤·¤¤¤ of tive dollars per day for his services during the time he shall be actually mmm engaged in such services under the provisions hereof. Ec. 10. That the sum of three hundred dollars is hereby appropri— M>:>¤>1>¤¤¤<>¤ br ated, out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, to provide the °xp°°°°°' necessary funds for the costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant hereto, to be repaid to the District of Columbia from said assessments for benefits when the same are collected as . herein provided. Sec. 11. That no appeal by any interested party from the decision hArv¤¤1¤ rw? tv doof the supreme court o the District of Columbia coniirmin the assess- stZ,°°°m°g ° mm' ment or assessments of benetits or damages herein provicid for, nor any other proceeding at law or in equity by such party against the confirmation of such assessment or assessments, shall delay or (prevent the payment of award to others in respect to the property con emned, nor delay or prevent thetakinp of any of said proxrty sought to be ’ · · condemned, nor the_o_pening o such street: Provi d, however, That t mm upon the final determination of said appeal or other at law ¤amZ.°°° ° °° or in equity the amount found to be ue and payab as damages sustained reason of the extension of said street under the provisions hereof sliall be paid as hereinbefore provided. Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. .—— Act To rovide for the investi tion of le ros , with s ial March 3.1905. · reference tdt1lil>3careA:nd treatmlent of lcpers in Hawaii? p y pee [H· R· l6°“·l___ [mm11e, ue. nc. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0_/'Rripreaentativec of t/te United 1 States ofAm.erwa in Congress assembled hat when the Territorial Il?:;;;; mln,,", M government of Hawaii shall cede to the Cnited States in perpetuity a umm, to be mu,. suitable tract of land one mile square, more or less, on the leper reser- "‘“°°‘ vation at Molokai, Hawaii, there shall be established thereon a hospital station and laboratory of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United States for the study of the methods of transmission, cause, and treatment of leprosy. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, B¤**di¤¤¤· authorized to cause the erection upon such site of suitable and necessary buildings for the purposes of this Act, at a cost not to exceed the cw. sum herein appropriated or such purpose. Sec. 3. That for the purposes of this Act the Surgeon·General. ,,;f,;*}‘°°“° °* 9* through his accredited agent, is authorized to receive at such station such patients atliicted with leprosy as may be committed to his care _ under legal authorization of the Territory of Hawaii, not to exceed forty in number to be under treatment at any time, said patients to remain under the 'urisdiction of the said . urggm-General, or his agent, until returned to the proper authorities of waii. _ Sec. 4. That the Surgeon-General of the Public Health and Marine- M°d*°*l°“°°¤-°*°- Hospital Service of the United States is authorized to detail or appoint, vox. xxxm, rr 1--64 {