1036 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1466, 1467. 1905. March 3,1905. CHAP. 1466.-An Act Authorizing the President to appoint S. J. Call surgeon _ R· 1868**] _ in the Revenue-Cutter Service. [Public, No. 199.] Be tt enacted by the Senate and House ofReyn·esentatices of the United v,§j""“°C‘“""S°" States of America in (,bng¢·ess assembled, That the Pres1dent of the SY}- CM! mw be United States be, and is hereby, authorized to appoint S. J. Call sur- °pp°im°d Sumo"' geon in the United States Revenue-Cutter Service, with rank, pay, and allowance of first lieutenant in said Service, including longevity pay under provisions of existing law. Approved, March 3, 1905. M arch 3. 1905- CHAP. 1467.-An Act Supplemental to the Act of February ninth, eighteen hunlH· R· 1872*5] dred and twenty-one, incorporating the Columbian College in thebistrict of Columbia,
and the Acts amendatory thereof. *65
Be it enacted by the Senate aml1Y0as;pfRep¢·esentat§yit2e8 0{ghe Dinricwf G<>1¤embi¤- States ofAme¢~iea in Oongreos asaembl », That the Ggge ashmgton u¤ii$?r€iwll"h`°gt°° University shall have, and is hereby given, poweryyo increase the m'{,;,***°°” “‘“Y "° number of its trustees from time to time, by a two-thirds vote of the ` whole number of the trustees at the time such vote is taken, to a number not exceeding forty-five. In case of the increase of the number of trustees a certificate, stating the number of the board and the time when it shall go into effect and that the action so taken was by a twothirds vote as required by this Act, shall be filed with the recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia, and upon and after the date named the board shall consist of the number of trustees stated in such certificate, and said board may also appoint a board or boards of visitors for any department or departments of educational work carried on by the _ university, such boar s of visitors to be advisory only. ,,§g_l’**¤“ °“ mm] Sec. 2. That by and with the consent of the said university, colleges may be organized hereunder for the purpose of carrying on, in connection with the university, special lines of educational work in the arts, sciences, and liberal and technical knowledge, such colleges to be cI¤2K§¤z:%%;2¤®ll¤H¢ educationully a part of the system of the university. but upon indergpendent financia foundations, and to this end any five or more persons desirous of associating themselves for the pu se of establishing a college hereunder may make, sign, and acknoivilgdge before any officer authorized to take acknowled ment of deeds in the District of Columbia, and with the assent of tie university in writing, file in the office of the recorder of deeds of the said District a certificate in writ- C°"“"’°"°· ing, in which shall be stated: First, the intention to organize a corporation under this Act and the assent of the university thereto; second, the name or title by which the college shall be known in law; third, the names of the trustees constituting the first board afnd such trustees may be divided into three classes, the term of office of one class expiring annually; fourth, the manner of nominating and electing successors to said trustees; fifth, the branch or branches of literature, arts, science, liberal or technical knowledge proposed to be taught; sixth, that the highest officer of said college shall be a dean, the dean and members of the faculty to be members of the educational councils of the university in accordance with the rules governing the university; seventh, that all degrees shall be bestowed by the university; eighth, that in all financial and legal responsibility the college shall be an independent organization. P<>W¤¤<=¤¤f¤¤¤<r Upon tiling such certificate the trustees named therein and their successors shall a body politic, incorporated by the name and style stated in the certificate, and by that name and style shall have perpetualsuccess ion in association with the university, with power in the collegeto sue and
sued; plead and be impleaded: to acquire, hold. and convev property
in all legal ways; to receive by gift, devise, or otherwise, and hold, con-