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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1127

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1040 FIFTYJCIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Cris. 1469,1470. 1905. P¤>’°*i‘“°¤'· Sec. 10. That each juror shall receive as compensation the sum of five dollars per day for his services during the time he shall be actually · engaged in such services under the provisions hereof. ‘ _ u*;gg;g§'i“**°” ‘°' Sec. 11. That the sum offthflee hundred poélalrs is hereby appgopilp- " ated, out of the revenues o the District o 0 umbia to provide the necessary funds for the costs and expenses of the coridemnation proceedmgstaken pursuant hereto, to be repaid to the District of Columbia {rom said assegsments for benefits w en the same are collected as erein provide . s °*iiY*°?1i"’€i‘i°€i? Y ofS?§e1i;pf§`£Z"§0Z$€°3} il.,"'ii}S€‘.·EE'é°Z*Fd&l.’.l3.'£°‘.?L.I’¤}`F¤{.*E°iSiY.'$ assessment or assessments of benefits or damages herein provided for, nor any other proceeding at law or in equity by such party against the cpniirmation of such rgsanssment or assessmaptti; shall degay or Cprevegt t e payment 0 awa others in respect e proper y con emne nor delay or prevent the taking of any of said property sought to bé gmc- condemned, nor the opening 0 such street: Pro*v·£ded, however, That yment of Bnal de- . . . . enum. upon the tinatlhdeterminatuon of saild appeal car other proceieding at law or in equity e amount foun to e due an payable as amages sustained by reason of the extension of said street under the provisions hereof shall be paid as hereinbefore provided. Approved, March 3., 1905. March 3,1905. CHAP. 1470.-An Act To authorize Everett Leftwich, of Williamson, West Vir- [H· R- iw] énia, to bridge the Tug Fork of the Big·Sandy River at Nolan, Mingo County, West [p¤buc,N0_zg3_] 1 ia, w eret esame ormst e un ary me tween the States 0 West Vir- ..L.'§"..l..i K‘;..¤..l2, ‘ " '°° " " "° ‘ Be it enacted hz; the Senate and House of Rq>1esentat2h:es of the United R{,‘;§F°'k·B*¤$°¤dY States ofzlmerica in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for rsyéggu Leftwich Everett Leftwich to construct and maintain a railroad, wagon, and foot tfhf “°’ "° °‘°]'"" bridge and approaches thereto acrpss the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy R¤***°¤‘*°*°-·'>¤dS°- River at Nolan, Mingo County, Vt est Vgginia, where the same forms the boundair line between the States of est Virginia and Kentucky, as thejsggl vqmtgllgftggcgggzdeem wtgble for his purposes, su - ec a v a . mI&°p‘;SQ*{})u;g¤°¤¤ 1 Sec. 2. Thst any bridge authorizrdld to be constructed under this Act ` shall be a lawtiulmsgucture, Gnd) shalhbe relcognizpd andfknqlwn as a post route an s enjoy a the ri ts an privi eges o other st roaéls ju th; Iinited Sstgtes, upoqhwhgcrhl als? highfr chairge éslhalllclwf ma e or e ransm on over e sa e 0 e mai s, or or rouv 1 passengers, onfreight passing over said bridge and approaches thlln the rate per mile paid for transportation over the railroads leading to dghgj¢¤*··P¤· ¤¤¢=~ said bridge; and the United States shall have the right of way fo1' " postal, teclegralph, anld telephone purposes without charge therefor across san TI ge an approaches. _I;’>tff§;°;Lg£ ‘:’;**<> Said bridge shall be built and located under and subject to such 'regulations for the security of navigption as the Secretary of XY ar shall prescribe; and to secure that o ject the said Everett Leftwich shgll submititg the Secrepary of War, forlhis examimgion and approval, a esign an rawings o the bridge an a map of the location, ivin for the zpace of one mile above and one mile below the puigposed location e high and low water lines upon the banks of the river, the direction and strength of the current at all stages of the water, with the soundmgs, accuratelv showing the bed of the stream and the location of any other bridge or bridges, such map to be sufficiently in detail to enable the Secretary of War to judge of the proper location ggqslapcgdbgmge} appd s(hallt_fparn€sh sucla otlgrgiifoimqgion rg mtay bs a u an sa is cor·un ers n in 0 esu ec ; an until the said plans and locationd are approved gby the Secietary of °l"“"“· War the bridge shall not be commence or built; und should any