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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1129

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1o42 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Cns. 1471, 1472. 1905. draws, said draws shall be opened promptly upon reasonable signal for mgmt, em _ the passage of boats or other craft; an whatever kind of bri ges are built, the said company or corporation shall maintain, at its own expense, from sunset to sunrise, such lights or other signals thereon as the Light-House Board shall prescribe; and if at an time the navigation of said river shall in any manner be obstructedy or impaired by the bridges authorized by this Act to be constructed the Secretary of War shall have authority, and it shall be his duty, to require said company to alter and change said bridges at its own expense in such manner as may betproper to secure free and complete navigation without 1m imen . ,,,'5“,,',§,Q“,{,,§{‘,{",°‘“’°“ 3. That any bridges built under this Act and subject to its limitations shall be lawful structures, and shall be recognized and known ' as post routes, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, the troops, and munitions , of war of the United States, or passengers or freight over said brid s, than the rate per mile paid for the transportation over the railroaciiscor public highways leading to said bridges, and they shall enjoy the rights dg`h*Q_°¤*•Ph· °**>··and iprivi egesthof otheir pclstérogds ot] tpebgnitedmgtatesil ani! equail priv egesm euseo said ri sa gran toa tee and telephone companies, and the Uiiited States shall have the rigliltldf way across said bridges and their approaches for postal-telegraph purposes. pQ;•g·_‘>Y °*¤°* °°¤¤· Sec. 4. That all railroad companies desiring the use of said bridges

 pheir approachtes slhall have an;} be entitled tp equal rights and

prnvi egcs re ative the passage o trains over the same u n - ment of a reasonable compensation for such use; and in case th; ovihdr or owners of said bridges and the several railroad companies, or any of them, desiring such use shall fail to agree upon the sum or sums to be paid, or upon rules and conditions to which each shall conform in usirig said bridges and approaches, all matters at issue between them spa decidled (byfsthp tSecretary of War upon a hearing of the a ega ions an pr o e rties. m§¤=° °! ¤°¤¤¤’¤<=· Sec. 5. That this Act shall YZ null and void if actual construction of ' the heliieintlstuthorized fbe notilcoénmepced pithin one year and compe witin ree earsromte ate ereo. `

  • ¤°¤*‘¤•¤*· Sec. That tgp right- to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

express y reserv . Approved, March 3, 1905. N¤¤’¢l¤ 3» 1906- CHAP. 1472.-An Act To authorize the Border-land Coal Company, of Nolan, ...liI West Virginia, to bridge the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy River at a point about two [Public, Nc. 205.] mile]? east bepf Nolapl; Cq1W;yi\`Vest_Virgini1akwhpml:he same forms the bound- Hy D6 WGBH 0 O · 08 1l‘gl.I118 Bl] Gl'] UC Be it enacted hq the Senate and IIO/use o f Representatives of the United R§'{,§j”°’*·B*¥"“dY States (if America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the Colgrrdergzngd 4331 Border and Coal Company, a corporation organized under the laws of awp53m_ dg v,, ’ West Virginia, to construct and maintain a footbridge and approaches '°""“""¤'°· thereto across the Tug Fork of the Big Sand River at a point about

  • two miles east of No an, Mingo County, Wlest Virginia, where the

same forms the boundary line between the States of West Virginia ang_Kqntt;1q:y, as the sqidpolmpggy may degrphsuitable for its purposes, su jec e approva o the creta o ar. ,,{3‘,,',§',§‘}},,,g'f,f“°‘“’° Sec. 2. That any bridge authorizegto be constructed under this Act shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, and shall engoy all the rights and privileges of other post—roads in the United tates, upon which also no hi her char e . S` E 2::11 belmade for the trpnsmlission over the sam; 05 the énails, or {or o passengers, or reig t passing over said ri eau approac es thanntdne rate per mile paid for transportation over die railroads lead-