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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1159

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1072 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1479. 1905. of the Seminole tribe in the distribution of all other tribal property and funds. §Q;:*;';":·, sdm, That the sum of three hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is wmnnrs. hereby, appropriated from the trust or invested funds of the Chickasaw tribe now in the Treasury of the United States belonging to said tribe, for the immediate payment of all the outstanding school warrants of said tribe, legally issued for the purpose of maintainin the public schools of said tribe, such payment to be made under the ddrecwww M tion of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That any unexpended .uH£i°°°°d°dbalance of said three hundred thousand dollars shall be held by the Secretary of the Interior and be by him added to the interests of the Chickasaw tribe in the coal and asphaltum royalty fund, and used for C k N U tltie matipfenance of pubgzgehools of urirhg the exéstence of '°° ° °”· _ thei tri overnment: pr0mded` t , att e sum o sevent - ngidiggm irgiebigd- five thougmd dollars of the money in the Treasury belonging to the °°°° Creek Nation, derived from the sale of lots in town sites, is hereby appropriated and made immediately available for the payment, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, of the outstanding indebtedness of said Nation. O0'§;‘;g,_ H“""“° That the Secretary of the Interior be,- and he is hereby, authorized Payment vc- and directed tolpay, out of any available funds of the Creek Nation of ~ Indians in the reasuxy of the United States, to the Turner Hardware Company, of Muscogee, Indian Territorly, the sum of onethousand two undred and forty-nine dollars and ve cents, in full payment of accounts for certain school supplies purchased by the superintendents for the use of various Creek boarding schools in the ears eighteen hundred and ninety~nine and nineteen hundred, which accounts are approved by the superintendent of schools in Indian Territory. §°,},‘}P 'f· To reimburse De os K. Lonewolf, a Kiowa Indian, for the value of the impgovernents owned by him and surrendered to the United States on the iowa, Comanche, and A ache Indian Reservation, in Oklahoma, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, and the acceptance of said sum by said Lonewolf shall be a complete and absolute bar to any and . all claims against the United States for said improvements. ‘§,?°,¥.§§¤'f'Q,}l‘°’· That the `ecretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to George Walker, a Pottawatomie Indian, of Michigan, whose name was omitted. from Schedule A of the findings of · the Court of Claims, his (proportionate share of the sum of seventy- eight thonisand three hun red and twentymine dollars and twenty-five cents appropriated for certain Pottawatomies of Michigan by the Act approve April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four, amounting to — two hundre and eighty-seven dollars and ninety-seven cents. s°§f§k,}‘f,$.§u0md_ That the provision in the Indian appropriation bill for the iiscal year r¤i:_•,;¤¤- M ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, authorizing the v¤1.blfp.éaz. Secretary of the Interior to sell the residue of the lands of the (meek Nation not taken as allotments is hereby rgpealed and the provision of · the Creek agreement, Article III, a prov March one, nineteen hundred and one, is hereby restored and reenacted. ,,°§§°,§'{,{{.‘,{*,,‘ff’°ll°°‘°" That the Secretary of the Interior shall make an investigation and P•¥¤¤¤¤¤<¤‘~ definitely ascertain what amount of land, if any, belonging to the"Creek Nation, as been taken and allotted to the members of the Seminole tribe and arrange payment to the Creek Nation for such land if there be anything due by the Seminole Nation. I“‘°'°'°"‘°“'* That the improvements of Seminole citizens upon Creek lands and ' the improvements of Creek citizens upon Seminole lands that are unpaid for by said allottees shall be investigated by the Secretary of ‘ the Interior and paid for by said nations, res ctively. ` Rg:}*“m,{•mI¤¤i¤¤ That altllpinrsons who have heretofore purchfsed any of the lands of ugafntz for grazing the UmaIndian Reservation and have made full and Hual payment v01_ E, ,_ W thereof in conformity with the Acts of Con ress of March third, V¤1- 82. n- 730- eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and of July drst, ull1ct6B1I lll1Dd1`9d