1],],8 FIF'I`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. three Fift ‘-eicrhth Con ress second session, by roviding a channel a .l 5 g 7 . p from deep water to the outer end of the wharves, twelve thousand dollars. M§:¤j_L B¤Y· ***1* Improving harbor of refuge at Sandy Bay, Cape Ann, Massachusetts: nbma.Continuing improvement, one hundred thousand dollars: P2·oz·ided, °°l"'"°°* That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute zaid pgojtecti to be pszid for lag ap$·opriations may gon; timelto timg e ma e y aw no 0 exce in e aggre e one un re ousan dollars, exclusixie of the amounts herein anduheretofore appropriated. I-y¤¤. Mw- Improving Lynn Harbor, Massachusetts: Continuing improvement, ggugéwl forty thousand dollars: P2·omIded, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete said pro]ect, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars, exclusive of thl; amountsBh;re1n grid herletofore appropriated. MM. Mm- Improving rbor at ton assac usetts: Continuing improve- i ment and for maintenance, one hundred thousand dollars. _ _ _ PMi¤¤¤¤¤w¤.1!¤¤¤- Improving harbor at Provincetown, Massachusetts: Continuing 1m- _ provement, five thousand dollars. _ mggpgkngnd Nm- Improving harbors at _Hy3DDlS and Nantucket, Massachusetts: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, eighty thousand dollars. New B<=*<1f<>r<1.M¤¤¤. Improving arbor at New Bedford, Massac usetts, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and sixty-nine, Fifay-sixth! Congress, iirst session: Completing improvement eleven thousand dollars. _ WW1 H¤1¤» Mw- lmproviri g Woods Hole channel, Massachusetts: Continuingimprove- Proriao. ment, seventy thousand dollars: Provided, That a contract or contracts °°”"“°“· may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as_may be necessary to prosecute said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from tune to time be made by law, not to exceed in the agg(;·¢§gate one hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts erein an eretofore appropriated. - Hmgugggyw- Improving Little Harbor, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, in accord- ` ance with the report submitted_ in House Document Numbered `One hundred and sixt ·-two, Fift -eighth Con ress second session: Lom- _ _ 5 _ Y i dg » pleting improvement, eighteen thousand ollars. _ B“m¤’¤B¤Y»M¤*¤- Improving Buzzards ay, Massachusetts: By removing Weepecket rock in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and sixty-four, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, two thousand five hundred dollars. ’ MQLjf"*'““° R*"'· Improving Me-rrimac River, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- _ ment, forty thousand dollars: and the Secretary of llyar shall cause an examination to be made with a view to providing a channel twelve feet deep between the mouth of the river and the falls above the city of Haverhnlk also including in such examination rocks and other obstructions at the mouth of said river. nxgggd M¤¤¤¤¤ R Improying Mystic land Maldeph rivers, Massachusetts, and Mystic "iver be ow the mont of Island `nd River: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, fifty thousand dollars. T°"“R**‘¤*~M¤-*¤· _Improving Town River, Massachusetts: Completing improvement, nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven dollars and forty-one cents. R,‘§e$Y,*p&$é¤*¤ Fm Improving Weymouth Fore River, Massachusetts, in accordance `with the raiport submitted in House Document Numbered Thirty-six, _ F ifty-eigh Congress, second session: Completing improvment, fifty- mmol Seven thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That no part of this . sum shall be expended until the Secretary of War shall have received satisfactory assurance that the improvement of that portion of the
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